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Iblinked rapidly as I regained consciousness. My face was pressed hard against the ground, and I pushed myself up to a sitting position. Pushed with my very human (vampire) hands and sitting on my very human (vampire) butt!

Success! I even still wore the same clothes I had on in Paris, including my handbag over my shoulder and the brand new hot pink heels encasing my feet.

I looked up to find that Monique was gone, and so was Alicia. Only Thierry and I were left on the patio of the bed and breakfast. He offered me his hand, which I took immediately, and he pulled me to my feet.

“Thierry, what the hell—”

But he didn’t let me finish. He took my face between his hands and pressed his mouth against mine, kissing me deeply—so deeply my knees buckled. And it wasn’t only because I was still getting used to having knees again.

“No more witches,” I whispered against his lips.

“Agreed,” he whispered back. “When I couldn’t find you, I was so worried.”

“I know.” I leaned back and searched his face. “I was pretty worried, myself.”

He threaded his fingers into my hair and his lips quirked.

“What?” I asked.

“Your fur as a bat was the exact same color as your hair.”

“Boring brown?” I offered.

“Stunning, divine, beautiful chestnut.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “You do have a way with words, Monsieur de Bennicoeur.”

“Only speaking the truth.”

“Where’s Alicia?” I had to ask.

“Gone. But I’m not worried. I believe Alicia is harmless without the influence of Damon. Franklin will find her and deal with her. None of this will be a surprise to him. We really only confirmed what he suspected all along.”

I nodded, sighing with relief. “So it’s over.”

“It’s over,” he agreed.

“This feels like the longest day ever.”

“It certainly does. And now, I know you said you desire a vacation.”

My ears perked up at that. “I sure do. Anything in mind?”

Thierry nodded toward the bed and breakfast. “Perhaps you’d like to stay in this town for a couple more days.”

I gave him a look of shock. “You’re still rehearsing that funny bone of yours, aren’t you?”

“How am I doing?”

I laughed. “Not bad, really. But I wouldn’t take the stage at a comedy club quite yet.”

“Fair enough.” Thierry took my hand in his. “Then let’s depart this town one and for all, shall we?”

I grinned up at him. “Say it. Just say it one more time for me. Please?”

He raised a brow. “Assjacket.”

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