Page 25 of Nightfall

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He held my gaze before nodding firmly. “I hear you.”

I nodded. “And do you believe me?”

Before he could answer me, there was a ringing sound. Declan fished into his pocket for his phone and he held it to his ear. “Yeah?”

He didn’t take his attention off me for a moment as he took a seat at the edge of the bed.

“Got it,” he said, then ended the call, his jaw tightening. “Dr. Reynolds is ready to see you again.”

A surprised breath caught in my chest. “Holy shit. That was fast.”

“It was,” Declan agreed.

“He—he might actually be able to cure me.”

He nodded. “He might indeed.”

“This could be it, Declan.” I swallowed hard. “And if it is, that means I’d have to be grateful to Jackson Gale for the rest of my life.”

This earned me a low chuckle. “Both of us would.”

I shot him a grin. “I’m still not sleeping with him, just so you know.”

“Glad to hear it. So, are you ready for whatever comes today?” he asked.

Despite this encouraging news that should have brightened my mood 100-percent, the nightmare I’d had continued to linger for me.

I was all about dreams and symbolism. I’d even had a very thick book that I consulted after any curious dream or nightmare in the past. What had this one meant? That I wanted Declan, but only if he was perfect and normal, even if I wasn’t?

The only thing I knew for sure was that when I saw the real Declan injured, and dying, all I wanted was to get to him. To help him. To comfort him. But I couldn’t.

And then it was too late.

I guess I didn’t need to hunt too far to find the symbolism there.

However, maybe it was just a stupid dream. Nothing more than that.

I nodded firmly. “I’m ready.”

* * *

We returned to the warehouse without Jackson with us this time. I’d suggested that we contact him, but Declan didn’t feel it was necessary. On the call, Dr. Reynolds had given him the elevator code to get down to the sub-twentieth floor.

I agreed. The hunter had done his part and outstayed his welcome by a few minutes beyond that. We knew the way without his help.

I got the same strange feeling I’d had yesterday as we entered through the main doors, seemingly unguarded apart from the single security camera outside.

“What’s wrong?” Declan asked.

I shook my head. “It kind of freaks me out knowing there are vampires somewhere downstairs that Dr. Reynolds is using as test subjects.”

I was surprised that hadn’t been what my subconscious had latched onto last night. A swarm of hungry vampires deep down belowground sounded like anyone’s literal idea of hell.

“This is how it’s done, Jill,” Declan explained. “If you want to test ways to exterminate vampires, then you need vampires to exterminate.”

I had to remember that this was all new to me. Less than two weeks ago, I hadn’t even known that vampires were real outside of their Hollywood versions.

“I know Carson and Dr. Gray had baby dhampyrs in their basement, but adult vampires?” I absently brushed my fingers over my healing throat and shivered despite the heat of the day.

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