Page 51 of Diary of Darkness

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“I won’t, I promise, please Alex!”


The second stroke stings so much I lose all sense of time. Wracked with pain, I sink my teeth into the pillow to stifle my cries.

Thwack! Thwack!

The third and fourth lashes hit me so hard my eyes fill with tears and my spine is in complete and utter agony.Jesus Christ, that hurts so fucking good.

“Now, my lady,” Alex whispers. “Here comes the finale, and this time, I’m going to want to hear true remorse in your voice. Tell me again how sorry you are for trying to kill me.”

“I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!”


The final ferocious stroke of the belt lands on my back and the pain is so acute my head completely explodes, making me forget what my name is. But with it too, comes a strange sense of euphoria; an almost joyful feeling of relief like all my sins have been washed away. Panting and covered with sweat, I submerge my face in the pillow to muffle my moans, waiting for the stinging to subside.

Wincing, I imagine what my skin must look like right now all crisscrossed with multiple lacerations. In some fucked up way, the thought of it excites me. The truth is, I enjoyed the thrashing and I’m literally crying out for more. Dammit, I’m really starting to worry myself: I think I like this all a little too much.

“Well done, Jessica,” he purrs. “You took every stroke of that like a pro and barely made a sound. I’m very impressed. How do you feel?”

“Good…I feel good,” I whisper.

“Did you enjoy it?”


“It got you wet, didn’t it?”


Roughly, he flips me onto my back and stands at the foot of the bed, towering over me like the angel of death, stroking the belt sensuously between his fingers. His face is absolutely terrifying, like some creature from a Gothic horror story, but all I can think about is what it would be like to have his big monster cock inside me. Shit, my pussy wants him so badly I can barely feel my legs.

Fixing me with sex-starved eyes, Alex pushes the belt through the buckle and creates a double loop. Grabbing my wrists, he pushes them through the belt and pulls it tightly into a makeshift pair of handcuffs. Next, he positions my arms above my head, and I am now lying face up on the bed, my hands restrained with no way of escape. Finally, he rips off my knickers and puts them in his pocket. Then, he picks up the knife from the dresser and holds it again to my throat.

“Now, my sweet,” Alex says, his canine teeth glistening in the half-light. “You need to listen very carefully to what I am going to tell you. I’m madly in love with you. I don’t want anyone else but you. You’re all I ever wanted in a woman, and I will go to any lengths to keep hold of you. I will obliterate anyone who tries to come between us and if I have to kill someone then so be it. You are the first and only girl I have ever slept with, and I never want to give my body to anyone else but you. Every inch of this cock belongs to you.”

I nod dumbly, shocked by both his confession of love and the revelation that he too was a virgin when we first met. Somehow, I find that very hard to believe and yet…he seems so sincere, perhaps it is true.

“You have my heart, Jessica, so you’d better take good care of it. It works like this: if you are nice to me, I will treat you like a princess, but if you’re bad to me, I’ll be like your worst fucking nightmare, so I’m warning you, you’d better not screw me over. My heart wouldn’t be able to take it.” To emphasise his point, he suddenly presses the knife harder against my throat. “Tell me you love me.”

“I-I love you, Alex.”

“Tell the truth now. No lying to me. Only say it if you mean it. Do you honestly love me, really and truly?”

“Y-yes,” I gasp. “I love you. I love you with all my heart and I…I want to be with you, Alex. No man has ever made me feel the way you do and…how could I not love you?”

“My God,” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. “You do love me, don’t you? You’re telling the truth. Oh Jessica, you don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” Pulling down his hood, he throws down the knife, collapses on top of me and buries his face between my breasts in a flurry of passionate abandon.

For a few heartbeats, he just lies there breathing heavily, the two of us merged as one. Then ravenously, he begins to suck on my breasts, licking and lapping them, making me feel so good I want to scream. Every flick of his tongue sends shockwaves through me, the warmth from his mouth a glorious relief after the brutal reprimand administered just a few short minutes ago.

After a while, Alex stops sucking, lifts his head and gazes up at me with love-filled eyes. We share a moment of silent adoration. Then his thick, full lips find mine and we kiss with a savagery that takes my breath away, sending both my head and my heart to Seventh Heaven. It’s at this moment that I realise beyond a shadow of doubt, that I do indeed love Alex Kingswood. I didn’t want to love him—I was in denial for so long, all I wanted was to lash out at him. I didn’t believe I could fall so quickly for someone so utterly extraordinary.

I tried so hard to fight it; tried to pretend that he had no effect on me, but the truth is he has won me over completely. I have never met anyone like him. He obsesses and excites me in a way no other man ever has. I love the thrill and the danger of him, his passion, his dominance, his kindness, his unwavering devotion—I love it all and I am now irrevocably his. Yes, he’s a crazy psycho but that’s part of what turns me on most about him. That delicious unpredictability that sets my body alight like nothing else. Is this irresponsible of me? Of course, it is. Is falling in love with a sweet psycho just about the craziest thing I could do? You bet. But I just can’t help myself. There’s a darkness inside Alex that is far too magnetic for me to resist.

For long moments, we writhe around on the bed, devouring each other’s faces like a pair of wild animals, then finally, Alex breaks away and whispers: “I haven’t eaten all day and there’s only one thing that will satisfy me…”

Before I can respond, his head is between my thighs, eating out my pussy with a hunger that makes my head spin.Fuck, this is insane.Moaning softly, I gaze up at my Spice Girls poster on the wall, barely able to believe that this is actually my life. I can’t believe he’s going down on me in my bedroom surrounded by all my childhood memories. There’s something deeply kinky about it that I find a real turn on. Very soon, he brings me to a shuddering climax that leaves me feeling high as a kite.
