Page 23 of Model Billionaire

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“Well, that’s it for today’s meeting. You have the appointed contacts if anything goes awry. And as always, be ruthless at all costs, the first to strike, and the last to leave the fight for Odessa’s great name.”

“Odessa.” We agree in unison, as we are trained to do.

“Good luck, team.” Kias hangs up immediately after, and we sit silently for a second before Barrett gets up. This seems to stir the rest of the team because they all do the same. All except for me. I need to process everything and make sure my memory does not fail me when the time comes to perform.

Everything rests on my ability to complete this mission with excellence. No missteps or slip-ups. I look over to three of my security, quietly whispering to each other. I can only imagine what they’re saying. I don’t have the best rapport with the team because for one, I never talk to anyone when I’m back at The Magdalin, unless they are higher ranking and can get me what I want. And second, because I failed to protect their brothers— our brothers.

I force myself to stand, heading reluctantly across the penthouse and up the stairs to grab my bag before heading outside for a walk. I just need to get out of the penthouse for a little while. Take a breather and a break from the side-eyed glances that tell me they’re unsure of my abilities.

As I step outside into the warm sun, making me feel as though I’d like to take a nap in its light, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to see Romeo is calling me.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Good afternoon, Lydia.” His voice is smooth and charming, so I smile, playing my part.

“What’s up?” I casually ask as I begin my walk, realizing two security guys are trailing me when I turn the corner. I try to ignore them, pretend they don’t exist.

“Well, I was actually wondering if you would like to go to a Lakers game with me this evening. Front row, super exclusive, all that shit.” I hear the smile in his voice, and I hope he’ll hear the smile in mine.

“That sounds great. I have the day off today.”

“Oh, good! I’ll pick you up at around… five? That work for you?”

“Mmm,” I pretend to look through a calendar just to make him wait. “Make that 5:15, and I’m yours for the night.” I softly say, and there’s a brief pause that makes me nervous for no reason. Well, I guess there is a reason. Just my entire career on the line, maybe my fucking life, hanging by the careful threads of his returned affection.

“Perfect. I’ll grab you from yours. Knox remembers how to get there.”

“Okay, see you then, Romeo.”

“Okay, Lydia.”

“Mmhmm.” I grin into the words, hoping he can hear the brightness in my voice over the phone. I really am a wonderful actress.

“I’m going to hang up now.” He laughs, and I laugh back.

“Okay, Romeo.”

“Lydia…” He laughs again. We’re smiling, I can hear it in his voice, and he can hear it in mine, and we aren’t hanging up. Now it’s a matter of principle because I always have to win. That’s it, no exceptions or excuses. I won’t hang up first.

“Do you want me to hang up?” I grin again.

“I think it’s only right.”

“For whom?”

“It’s a gentlemanly thing.”

“To let me hang up before you do?”


“So you’re proposing that I will be offended if you hang up first?”

“Uhm.” He laughs. “I guess I am.”

“On the contrary, Romeo. I would be delighted if you hung up first.”

“And why is that, Lydia?”
