Page 32 of Model Billionaire

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“I’m just asking.” He sniffs and looks at the flowery hedge in front of us.

“She’s a model— hot, strong-willed, did I mention hot?”


“What, Knox?”

“I just worry that we still have an informant.”

“We killed the informants.”

“I know—”

“Why would you even bring this up to me now?”

“Romeo I—”

“You seriously don’t have to worry about me dipping out on everyone like Antonio just because of some chick. I want to fuck this one. That’s all. She’s just a co-worker. That’s the only reason we’re messaging so much.”

“Is it?”


“Romeo.” He says my name flatly, and with that, I jump out of the car and onto the gravel driveway.

He has the audacity to accuse me of lacking judgment? What a fucking joke.I stomp inside and bowl through the encirclement of my team celebrating, then head straight to my room in a huff.

I bet Vince set him up to talk to me about this bullshit. Probably thinks I’ll listen to Knox better than I would him.Sorry to break it to you, big bro, but I’m not some fucking fragile fragment of glass.I would have rather he just said what he thought instead of dancing around the matter like a fucking flower in the wind. Ridiculous.

I throw my coat and weapons in the corner of the room and stomp over to the bathroom. So fucking ridiculous that I can’t even be trusted to associate with the right kind of people. Just because I have other interests besides blowing shit up and making deals doesn’t mean I lack the ability to decipher danger in relationships outside the mafia.

I strip down quickly, turn the water as hot as it will go, and let it completely cover me in its heat until I can’t stand it anymore, and my skin feels like it’s on fire. I give it a few seconds and turn the knob to cold. It falls down my head and shoulders, and I stand still under it, allowing it to draw out the heat from my skin, distracting me.

I just need to get through another sleepless night, and then I can see Lydia. I’ll forget about the events of this week.. This weekend I am simply Romeo— Miu Miu model preparing for Paris fashion week. I’ll fuck Lydia, kiss ass to make connections, and most importantly, escape from reality.



The air is cold when I step outside in the darkness, waiting for Romeo with my weekend bag in hand. My security team is in the bushes on either side of the walkway leading to the street, where Romeo will pull up any minute now. I know I’m supposed to be without them, but I wish they could come with me this weekend.

Rest assured, I have weapons packed away, of course. There is always a chance I might need them, and I won’t be caught unprepared. Plus, I have no trouble defending myself, and I fight better than anyone in the Bratva. It’s just that I prefer some extra protection detail because normally, missions require at least two people to be together at all times. A buddy system of sorts.

It’s fine. I understand that I can’t expect them to hide in bushes and trees all weekend. We’ll be in a gated lot at an undisclosed location, so I’m not worried in the slightest for my safety. Like I said, I just have to be prepared.

Lights shine across the empty road as a black Rolls-Royce turns the corner onto my street. I wait for it to come to a stop at the sidewalk and pick my duffle bag up off the ground, making steady steps to the car.

The door opens for me, and Romeo is pushing it for me, sleepily smiling into the darkness where I still stand.

“Good morning.” His scruffy morning voice makes my stomach tighten like I’m on the edge of jumping out of a plane.

“Good morning.” I smile back as I slide into the vehicle, closing the door behind me and just beginning to buckle my belt as the car takes off.

“How are you this morning?” I ask Knox.

“I’m well, Lydia. It’s been a little since I saw you. What have you been up to?” We stop at a red light, and I think I can see Romeo glaring at Knox. He probably isn’t used to his driver talking to the people in his car.

“Well, I’ve done a lot of Pilates in preparation for this show. Went to a couple of auditions… hmmm… what else… I think that’s it, really.” I laugh nonchalantly. “So not much, actually.”
