Page 45 of Model Billionaire

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My thighs start to shake, his pre-cum coating my tongue as he grinds against my lips, thrusting his cock back into my mouth as I begin to come on his tongue again, starting to tremble–

Romeo moves so fast that I didn’t know it was possible. He’s off of me in a flash, as I scream with my frustration, my orgasm broken off–and then he grabs my legs, his eyes wild with lust as he yanks my knees apart and drives his hard cock as deeply as he can into my wet, tight, fluttering pussy,

I come instantly, my nails raking down his back as he kisses me, his mouth devouring mine as he plunges into me hard and fast, fucking me in every sense of the word. I’ve never come as hard as I do on his cock right then, clenching around him so tightly I hear him groan and feel him throb. My nails dig into his back as he begins to thrust into me with such force that I need to hold on to the bed frame.

We’re both moaning and have been since the moment we collided, because this feels more amazing than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. It’s like I’ve been opened up to a whole new world, blossomed in a season I didn’t know existed until now. I think this will be a problem—trying to quit him.

His forehead, damp with the evidence of our pleasure, presses to mine as he thrusts harder than I’ve ever been fucked and better than I could have imagined in my wildest fantasies. His hot breath grazes my lips as I hold him tightly, never wanting this to end— this feeling of us both building.

Is that normal? Being able to feel us both. Like we’re truly connected in a permanent sense. If I thought there were tangible ties between us before, I’m positive they’re much stronger now. We’re rising and falling together, panting each other's names as our lips roughly collide.

“Harder.” I moan, though I don’t think he can. Just when I think I could find a flaw in his form, he somehow fucks me harder. Caresses the back of me with such force that I feel my body trembling all over, chills rising on my skin as our hips collide.

Just as I feel us both on the edge, I flip him over on his back, pulling his arms above his head. He leaves them there when I let go, straddling him and holding the headboard. Watching me with such lust, I think I might spontaneously combust under the gasoline of his desire.

I ride him and begin to thrust hard as he meets me, only grabbing my chest as I bounce on him with such force that his eyes roll back. He pulls me to his face just as we’re in the heights. We gasp into each other's mouths as the motion becomes a tsunami, sweeping us up in its current. The rush of our passion feels like I’m being swept up and away from everything I’ve ever known to be true.

I believe it’s possible now— to have your mind blown by sex so good it should be called a different name. We’re gasping as the climax, skin sticking to one another as we force ourselves into one another. I feel the heat of him release into me as I explode with such transcendence that my pleasure is at the forefront of my being. We continue to thrust into one another until he turns us to our sides, then he pulls out of me and pulls me close to his chest.

This is something I didn’t expect, but I guess I can no longer have preconceived notions about Romeo. He’ll blow them out of the water and cause me to question what my name is— both of my names, real and fake. I press my forehead to his sweat-damp chest and catch my breath as I accept an action I never would under any other circumstance.

I’ve never fucked someone out of immense attraction, so overwhelming that my mind goes numb with one touch. Yes, I know, this is for my mission. But I’d be an idiot to ignore the terribly obvious fact. While Romeo is just a pawn in my game, he’s one I don’t have the strength to say no to. He’s the one I'll make excuses for until I’m dizzy and confused. The one I'll tailor my plans for to get just a bit more of him.

This changes nothing, though. It doesn’t matter what I feel in terms of passion or whatever the fuck this is. All that matters is the mission. It’s all that will ever matter because I can control it. I can see an end to it and know that on the other side is my life’s goal and purpose. That’s it. Period. End of story.

When I feel the rise and fall of Romeo’s chest beginning to swell more steadily, and his arms completely relax, I slide out from under him and dangle my feet off the edge of his bed. Perfectly time, I hear his phone buzz on the nightstand. It lights up, and I grab it, slinking down the edge of the bed to the cold wood floors.

I click on the message that says “Pops,” and it prompts his passcode.

“Shit,” I whisper under my breath, grit teeth and fist balled. Fuck, I hope Face ID works with his eyes closed. I slowly turn and peek over the top of the bed to see him lying there, looking far too innocent and making me feel far too guilty for someone who shouldn’t care. Slowly, I raise his face to his face, hoping the light of it doesn’t wake him.

He stirs a little, and I nearly leap across the room, covering my mouth as I quickly pull the phone back to my chest. Well, that’s not going to work. I slink back down and remove the phone screen away from my chest to see that it, in fact, did work, and I’m in.

Quickly I crawl back to the bathroom, grab my phone off the sink, and scroll through everything I can from this week. Group chats, family conversations, this scheduling app referred to in one of the messages from Vince. I even take a peek at social media just to see what I can access. Any information is good information. As long as it’s personal and reveals points of contention that we can prod.

Quickly, I type up a message to Kias with my findings. Clearly, there is tension between Romeo and Vince, the boss, and also his older brother. That’s the biggest thing I can sense, and so, I run with it. Type up a message to Kias that will help the Bratva take hold of this entire situation.

From the messages, it also seems as though there are some plans to meet with a very high-profile gang up the East Coast, Pirus. This might be a chance for us to show our strength compared to the San Giovannis. I make sure to include that as well, and then I send it. Immediately after, I make a beeline for the bedroom, place his phone back on the nightstand at the exact angle it was in and then run to my room.

I'd be lying if I said I didn’t look back at Romeo once and think about crawling back into bed with him, but that would be too much. I need to keep focusing on the mission, keep making him want me over and over again, and by the looks of it, that won’t be too difficult to maintain. At least, I hope.



I’m surprised when I turn over in the morning, and Lydia is gone. I would have thought after the mind-blowing sex last night that she’d be not only hooked on it, but on me. Usually, women do everything they can to stay in my bed, despite my excuses and evasions. Interesting.

Music is what actually wakes me, though, I think it’s coming from the bathroom. I can’t make out what it is, but it sounds like something classical. Instrumental only. I know Lydia is probably getting ready in the bathroom because when I check, the time is just past 7 am. Breakfast today is at eight. I slide out of bed, phone in hand, grab clothes off the rack labeled for this morning and stop at the bathroom door. Normally, I would just bust in, but for some reason, I find myself standing in front of it, hesitant to invade Lydia’s space.

This is a dumb thought because it’s my space too. There’s no way I’m letting her dominate it simply because we fucked last night. If anything, that should be a non-issue. So, why the fuck am I acting so simple-minded about this? I shake my head and don’t even knock as I turn the knob and open the door.

Lydia's head whips around to meet mine as I'm standing in the doorway, and she’s at the sink, her hair still dripping and a damp white towel wrapped around her small frame.

“Why didn’t you knock?” She curls her lips in irritation and turns back to the mirror to apply some sort of serum to her already perfect skin.

“Good morning to you too, Elle.”

“Don’t call me Elle.”
