Page 50 of Model Billionaire

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“We need your consent, but you’re killing him if you say no.”

“Why my consent?”

“You’re listed as his family on his medical records that my team ran on my way to you all.” I’m not surprised that Kias would have thought about every detail, but I don’t think he’ll be happy if one of our guys is left vulnerable in the hospital. I’ll need to call for backup to look after him while there. We can’t lose anyone else on our team.

“Yes, please. Help him.” I agree, and he gives me a courtesy nod as he exits the room. Quickly, I dial Kias and wait for him to answer. As soon as he does, I try to explain everything as quickly and promptly as possible. When I’m done, it’s silent for a bit, and I think this might just be his style. Either he’s thoughtful, or he likes to make people sweat. I’m thinking it’s the latter.

“So, we need a team to wait around at the hospital for him?”

“I think so. He started a fight with Romeo, and who knows what else. I heard gunshots and didn’t see the Pirus gang anywhere. I’m assuming—”

“We don’t assume.”

“I’m just saying I think there could be retaliation, so Barrett should be protected.”

“Why would you want to help someone who so clearly defied your order and, in turn, the Bratva?”

“Because we shouldn’t let our comrades die if we can help it.” My voice cracks, desperate to convey that importance in the silence between us. Finally, he clicks his tongue.

“Very well. I’ll send one guy to look after him in the hospital and one to fill his spot on your team.”

“Thank you, Kias.”

“Don’t let something like this happen again, Kira. We don’t have time to waste. Whip your team into shape, or I’ll send someone else to head the mission who will.”

“Yes, sir.” I force out through the lump in my throat beginning to form. The phone line drops, and I know he’s hung up. I guess I could report my team for misconduct, but perhaps me not tattling on them will make them trust me. I can only hope that’s the case because one more failure to control them, and I’m out of here.

My body turns me towards the door as I continue to analyze the call. I exit the office and step back out to the room, where medics are already lifting Barrett onto a stretcher. I let them pass by me and cross into the living room where all the team’s seated. As soon as the door shuts and the commotion is out, I step in front of the tv to gain their attention. Their heads are hanging, waiting for me to lay down the hammer.

“Kias is sending us backup and also protection for Barrett while he’s recovering.” They perk up a bit, unsure of what this means for their asses that are still on the line just as much as mine.

“So—” Blake begins a question.

“So, no one is in trouble for defying me. I hope this means we can have a clean slate and from here on out, only take orders from me.” Everyone nods vigorously.

“We should explain—” I raise a hand for Pivton to stop.

“I don’t need an explanation. I just need your allegiance. Whatever the results are of today, we will deal with it as it comes… together.”

“Together.” They resound in unison.

“Get some rest. I’ll put together a new scouting team and let you all know what that will look like as soon as I can.”

“Thank you!” They begin to say as I walk off the stairs. Whatever has happened thus far between us doesn’t matter. I don’t feel as though I have to prove myself to them anymore. They’ll listen to me now, I’m sure of that much.

Just as I get to the top of the stairs, my phone begins to ring. I pull it out of my pocket, raise it up to look just as I enter my room, and read who it is that’s trying to reach me.

Romeo. Romeo’s calling. I take a deep breath before closing my bedroom door and hitting the accept button on the far-right side of my buzzing screen. As I lift it to my ear, I can hear yelling in the background as Romeo frantically asks, “Lydia? Were you at the Pavilion at LaCuna beach this afternoon?”



Today is the day that we acquire a new ally. This one I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. The Pirus gang has always been one of my favorites. They’re consistent in their quality of work, and they never leave their guys high and dry. They also don’t pick fights for shits and giggles. Everything is strategic. It’s why they are at the top of our list for alliances in this New Era initiation.

I put on my best suit, midnight black Prada, with silk embezzlement designs throughout. Black button-up, skinny black tie, and my blanket Miu Miu leather platform loafers. I’m ready an hour early, waiting at the door and scrolling through my phone. As I picture us—the boys and me— heading to the cabana to have a drink and meeting with Pirus, I can’t help but imagine Lydia by my side. Is that strange? Probably strange. There’s just something about celebrating wins with people who matter and call it what you will, but Lydia is definitely someone who matters.

I don’t know why she crosses my mind so often. I would have thought fucking her just once could have gotten it out of my system. That shit usually works itself out after a good fuck. But she’s still here, connected to everything like she’s caught in my mind, and I still haven’t figured out how to release her.
