Page 6 of Model Billionaire

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“Nothing— I— You…” he smiles through his stumbling— a genuine beam, I might add. Finally, he licks his lips after a pause and squares his eyes with mine. “I want to take you on a date.”

“A—“ I begin, but he continues.

“Just, you know, for ourchemistryto look as natural as possible.” His mouth parts slightly as he awaits my answer. I trace his lips with my eyes for a moment and make him wait for an answer because that’s what it takes to get somewhere with him. I allow my eyes to raise to his, and he presses his lips into a soft grin that reaches his eyes, lined with thick black lashes.

“Okay.” I lower my chin and look up at him seductively.

“I’ll text you where to meet me tonight.” He nods, glancing one last time at me as I nod back, then he high-tails it out of the trailer like he might catch fire if he stands next to me too long. I breathe out a laugh as I properly add his number as a contact and then begin to search through my messages. Four messages from different numbers. The one that catches my attention, though, is Kias.

Good luck, Kira. I know you’ll be incredible as always.

My lips twitch into a grin. I’m a step closer to ruling the Russian Bratva— I can feel it. I step out of the trailer and into the harsh LA sun, grab my purse hanging on the bag drop, and begin walking to the gates. My car should be waiting for me on the street.

It’s going to be weird not driving myself, but I have to get used to it, I guess. If— when— this mission goes well, I may never have to drive myself again.

I hop into the black SUV, close the door and hear it lock again.

“So, how did it go?” Patrov asks from the front. Good thing he’s driving me around. It comforts me to have a familiar face with me. The rest of my security team are mafia members I’ve never seen, so I know they are from Nikolai’s household and not The Magdalin.

“I have a date tonight.” I proudly declare after buckling my belt and the car inches forward.

“Fuck yeah. Of course, you would get a date after only an hour with him.” I bite my lower lip and shake my head as the rest of the car full of security begin to talk among themselves excitedly. We drive through LA, past the hustle of the city, and straight to my temporary apartment, only a few blocks away from my real home.

It’s a small apartment complex, kind of old and run down, but they did a good job on short notice, picking an Airbnb with such charm and quaintness. It feels like it’s been lived in for years. That will come in handy if I bring Romeo back here. Obviously, I don’t plan on it because having sex with him is a terrible idea. I need to hold off as long as I can with him. I know guys like this, and I’m convinced he will drop me the moment I give in to him. That’s what I plan to do— avoid having sex with him no matter what. Not only because of implications for the mission–but for my own peace of mind.

In my head, if I ever had sex for pleasure rather than business, it would be with Kias. The man I’ve had my sights set on for some time now–the man that I have a physical as well as a practical attraction to. But now–

Romeo made me feel something new. Something dangerous. Something that makes me wonder what other possibilities there are out there.

We park in the garage underground and head up the elevator to the top floor. It’s no penthouse, but at least it’s one of only three apartments on the top floor. We exit the elevator as a group, Patrov ahead of me, and walk to the end of the hall. 11D, metal door, red brick walls with industrial floors and windows. I walk through the entryway and past the living room to grab a snack in the kitchen. I notice an outline of what meals I can eat on the fridge. This wasn’t here when I left, but it’s clear that these are the types of meals models would eat when preparing for Paris fashion week. I whip around to see Patrov sitting at the bar, clicking through his phone.

“What’s this?” I point to it, and he looks up, like he was anticipating me to ask.

“It’s from the boss.” My brows shoot up in disbelief. I guess I should have seen this coming. Nikolai takes every mission very seriously, so I can’t imagine what is going through his head for the most important one. Patrov sees my disapproval, so he puts his phone down and places his palms on the granite bar top.

“Look, Kira, one of the boys is functioning as your agent. They got the email about your opening for Miu Miu’s Paris fashion week. He just wants to ensure that you don’t appear suspicious in the slightest. It’s not an insult to you. Your body’s… perfect.” He swallows a knot that I can still see in his throat.

“So hard-boiled eggs and,” I glance back at the list. “Undressed salad, seems like the best route?”

“Kira—” He tilts his head admonishingly.

“Okay, I know. I got picked to do this, remember? You know I take my missions seriously. A diet just wasn’t what I was expecting.”

“Well, none of us expected you would quickly become the center focus of wherever we placed you, but I guess that was stupid on our part.”

“What?” I furrow my brows, and he shakes his head dismissively.

“The meals are in the fridge and will be delivered weekly. Just read the labels.” He picks up his phone and heads across the loft to a bedroom down the hall.

I purse my lips and turn back to the fridge, glancing one last time at the impossibly short list of foods I’m allowed to have, and open the door to grab my lunch. Hard-boiled eggs on plain lettuce with three slices of avocado. I roll my eyes and shake up with the container, bringing it to the weathered wooden table between the kitchen and living room.

After I sit down, fork in hand, lips still pursed, I force myself to stop being so annoying. Just get the job done, do whatever it takes. If terrible meals are the worst thing about this mission, then I’m going to be golden. Already am, in fact. I got invited to head up a Miu Miu show, Romeo San Giovanni asked me on a date tonight, and Kias texted me a good-luck message.

Pretty soon, sooner than I can even imagine, I’ll be head of the Russian Bratva, and this will all seem like a weird fever dream. I’m just four weeks away from everything I’ve ever wanted dropping in my lap. Just as I begin to eat, my phone buzzes on the table. I can’t see what it says, but I can tell it’s from an unknown number.


