Page 30 of Code Billionaire

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“You win.” I cough.

“I don’t think anyone won.” She chokes out as she grimaces. “That was a horrible idea.”

“Really?” I sarcastically prod as I take deep breaths of summer air, trying to use it to drown out the disgusting taste of death in my mouth.

“Tequila shots?” she coughs, and I nod, putting a finger in the air for her to wait as I back up towards the door. I barrel through the crowd this time, earning me some glares from people who shouldn't be at a convention if they don’t like being touched.

“Two shots of tequila. Make it a double for both.” I slide another hundred across the bar, and the bartender gets right to it, handing me the shots within a few seconds. I thank him and turn back to the door, expertly dodging obstacles in my way until I'm back outside. The moment I feel the breeze run through my hair, the first drink hits me, and I walk back to her as cautiously as possible. We clink our glasses and shoot them down without chasers because he didn't give me any, and I just need something to take this taste off my tastebuds or have them burnt off by this shot.

It’s silent for a moment between us as we look out at the stars. The moon is only a crescent, but it's bright, bright enough for me to see its reflection on Scout’s perfect skin. Now I'm distracted by her all over again as waves of alcohol begin to dance in my brain. She turns her head to me, like she knows I’ve been staring, and I shake my head to say I haven't.

“You know, I keep forgetting we haven’t slept.” Her words are saying one thing, but the intention behind them feels like I’m being pulled into the deep end. I can’t see past her beauty, and I'm frightened of what's hidden in the depths of her eyes, but I don't shy away. I lean in closer, looking into her eyes that get closer to mine in response.

“I know. We’re going to sleep so well tonight.” I’m telling her to kiss me. It’s deep under the layers of our pointless conversation because the point is the feelings and the inclinations behind them. I want her, want her so badly I think I might just pull her close so I don’t have to think about the consequences that might impede our growing desires. Could continuing down this road with her only lead to something that pulls us away from everything we’ve done thus far for the opportunity we’re in? Possibly, but it’s a risk that keeps proving itself worth it. And at least for now, that longing is enough to be my greenlight.

“I bet this feels like college to you,” she teases, nearly whispering.

“What do you mean?” I look at her lips for a second before meeting her smiling eyes.

“I mean, running on no sleep, sneaking away from the crowd to drink with a pretty woman on a balcony….” We laugh at her ridiculous words, but I'm shaking my head because she’s wrong. “What?” she grabs my chin to stop me from disagreeing.

“You’re delusional.”

“How am I delusional?” She grins with the corners of her lips turned down.

“Because you think any woman I’ve met before you could compare to your beauty.” She pauses for a second before shaking her head.

“You’re just being nice.”

“No.” I tilt my head. “Now you’re just being annoying.”

“How?” She laughs, and I return a gentle smile because I know I'm right. I furrow my brows, changing the tone with this look as she meets my eyes with many questions dancing behind hers.

“How can you not see how perfect you are?” I whisper, reaching down to softly cup her cheek with my hand. She tilts her head into my touch with a grin. Warm cinnamon skin pink with alcohol and flushed with the same longing boiling under mine. I lean in closer, and she meets me the rest of the way, gripping my shoulders as our lips collide. I think I see sparks flying, feel them pricking between us like a firework until we’re in the sky, and I hope we never come down.



Tito’s lips on mine, rough hands gently graze my thigh, muscular frame holding me securely while the alcohol spins us around; it’s a dream I don't want to wake up from. So, reality is a little hard to hold onto right now. It seems to be this way no matter my state of sobriety or the amount of rest I get. When I'm with Tito, it’s as if everything in the world has been wrong. That's the only thing right for us. And maybe that's silly, or ridiculous to think that about someone you met merely weeks ago, but I haven't a clue what else to conclude when it feels this right.

His hands inch closer to the edge of my skirt, and I don't want to stop him. And now my head is spinning because I think I might say yes if he asks me to come home with him tonight. I shouldn't, though; we shouldn't be doing this. I do want to sleep with him, despite never sleeping with anyone, but maybe that's the perfect reason to do it. Tito is beyond expectation, gentlemanly, thoughtful, and knows female anatomy. That’s more than I can say for over 50% of the male population.

Then again, I need this job more than I need to lose my virginity. Anything we do with one another could potentially jeopardize everything I’ve ever worked for. His lips bring me out of my thoughts and back to the temptation of his touch.

I pull my head back with a breath as he kisses down my neck. Just as he reaches my breasts, sending chills throughout my body that long for me, he pulls back. I shift my eyes between his, wondering why he’s stopped.

“I think we shouldn’t–”

“If you’re about to say do this anymore—”

“No!” he quickly says before continuing. “It’s just, I think we should wait.” I raise my brows.

“I want the next time we–” he pauses and runs a hand up my thigh, perfectly alluding to what he’s meaning, a little too perfectly. “To be special.”

“So we can't kiss?” I say in a jesting tone, but I feel my heart sinking into my stomach.

“No, we can kiss,” he laughs. “I just want you to remember your first real–”
