Page 35 of Code Billionaire

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I have no way of taking back my signature, no money to get a lawyer to sue their asses. I ultimately have no other choice besides running away and becoming a beach bum on a deserted island. Let’s be honest, the last one isn’t even an option at this point. My only option now is long-suffering. I guess I deserve that.



Scout has been unreachable since I dropped her off at her car on Saturday evening. As much as I wanted to take her home with me, I knew it was too risky. If I got her alone with me, I’d want her the way I think she wants me, and it’d be over. We’d be diving into the deep end without knowing how to swim. I don’t know how those types of relationships are meant to work, anyway.

I’m not asking for anything serious by wanting to have sex with her, but it’s certainly dawned on me that we’d end up curving one way or the other. Together or completely awkward and distant. No more early mornings and late nights working together for us. Perhaps we skipped a few steps and are already in that awkward phase. At least that would explain why she hasn’t even bothered to text me.

That’s mostly what I stayed up last night thinking about, theusthat isn’t really even an us and probably never will be because what the fuck ever works out for me romantically?

Unfortunately, I had about an hour of sleep before Vince woke me to go over last-minute details for our mission tonight. It’s a meeting with an informant in the Bratva. Things could get ugly, considering we’re aiming to sneak into The Magdalin tonight, Bratva headquarters.

Romeo and Kira have been helping with the details of it all. Still, when it comes down to it, I’ll be running this mission tonight alongside Kira’s brother, Koa. I’ve never led a mission of this caliber before, so it should be rather interesting. Hopefully, it all goes smoothly, and I can get my mind off this whole Scout and me situation, whatever it is.

Another thought goes through my mind as Vince continues to talk at me. I sayat mebecause I’ve been too tired to focus on anything but my thoughts, which are subsequently louder than Vince's voice.

Could I have deterred Scout on Friday when I refused to tell her more about my family and what we do? It’s eating me up inside, that moment, and the look in her eyes. I should have just bit the bullet and told her everything. Maybe she doesn’t trust me now. I can’t have that happen, not with her on the most crucial job in our entire operation.

“Tito.” Vince is snapping a finger in front of my face as we stoop over his desk to look at a map Kira drew up for us.

“Sorry. What?” I watch as he brings his finger to a corner of the map with a sigh.

“This looks like our best entry point. Any objections?”

“No.” I shake my head.

“Great, then I’ll send a scan of this to your work computer, and you can code the maps into a few of those devices you were telling me about.”

“Yep, the spatial detectors.” I nod and push myself away from the desk. His brows tighten as he sits back against his desk, hands gripping the edges behind him. I feel his gaze before I look at it, and I know he can tell something’s off. The intensity of his stare makes me want to leave now, but I know I won’t hear the end of his badgering if I don’t tell him what’s going on. I would lie, but he’s too good at seeing through me.

“You’ve been a sad sap all weekend.”

“I know,” I grumble, and he runs a hand through his hair.


“It’s just, Scout asked about our family.” His brows raise, and he pauses for me to go on, but I don’t.

“What did you say to her?” He presses.

“I basically promised I'd tell her later.” He shifts his jaw for a moment as he looks at the plush carpet covering the majority of his dark wood floors. I lean against the wall and look out the window into the darkness while I wait for him to tell me something that will make me feel somewhat sane.

“She hasn’t talked to you since?” I purse my lips and shake my head once in response. “She will. She’ll come around.” He sounds so sure, but I don’t know how he could be. The situation sounds more bleak coming out of my mouth than it did in my head. Instead of saying anything else, I only nod to acknowledge his efforts. He crosses to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder. I don’t meet his eyes as he takes a breath to speak.

“Tito, I can tell you have feelings for her. Do you think she returns those?”

“I mean, we have fun together….”

“Has she given you a reason not to trust her?”


“Then trust what you know.” He squeezes my shoulder and crosses to his door, opening it slowly. I feel his eyes on me as he stands at it, wanting me to leave and apparently thinking he has just solved my problem with his advice.

“Thanks.” I turn to him, and he nods as I walk out of his office.

“See you tonight,” he says before closing the door, and I stop in the dark hallway as the heavy wood door connects with its frame. I let out a slow sigh, blinking in the dark for a moment until my eyes have adjusted. There’s no way I can go back to sleep now, my mind is already too awake, so instead, I decide to head to the only place I can escape from the world— work. I already got dressed for my meeting with Vince this morning, so I head downstairs to grab Van from outdoor guarding.
