Page 60 of Code Billionaire

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“What?” He smiles, a remnant of hope in his husky morning voice.

“How old are those?” I point to the ceiling, and he doesn’t have to look to know what I’m referring to.

“Old, okay? I was a child with dreams of space. Let me be.” He exaggerates his tone, and I breathe a laugh.

“Hey, no judgment, I’m just asking.”

“There was a little judgment.” He winces, narrowing his eyes at me like he can perceive my every intention.

“I can’t confirm nor deny.” We’re being stupid now, quipping back and forth like normal, until I pick up my phone and see the missed calls and many texts from Agent Riggs. I clench my teeth and try to hide my immediate distress about this entire situation. It reminds me of what I’ve been telling myself, Tito shouldn’t be caught up in this because I don’t even know if I can trust him, let alone his mafia family. But it’s feeling further from the truth the longer I know him. I don’t know how to undo this mess with the FBI because they’re so adamant that I don’t see them stopping.

What would I even tell them to end this mess, anyway? That I slept with Tito and think he’s a super great guy now? No. They want that tech for something they aren’t telling me, and I’d venture to say I’ll never find out. I’m just their pawn, and I don’t see any way out of their clutches, not until I give them what they want.

“Everything okay?” Tito asks when he sees I’ve been staring at my phone screen in silence for God knows how long.

“Yeah. I’m just gonna go get ready, and I’ll meet you downstairs.” He studies me for a second before puffing out his bottom lip with a shrug.

“Okay.” He nods, and I slip out of bed, crossing to his door and leaving without looking back. The second I enter my room, I sit on the couch across from the fireplace and unlock my phone with dread churning in my stomach. I go straight to the messages and rip them off like a band-aid.

“We need you to send through those prototypes today. Or else, I will personally come to the San Giovanni’s house with backup, and we will take down every member of their family.” My jaw drops when I read this because until now, this has only been asuggestive-threattype of relationship. He has never overtly threatened to “take down” anyone. Now I feel the sting of my choices, the curvature of my signature like a permanent scar on my skin.

“Shit.” I cup my hand over my mouth as I re-read it because I cannot believe it. Can’t fathom how the FBI claims to be for keeping people safe, but would brutally murder a family without even thinking twice or asking them questions. All they’ve done is lurk in the corners, using other people to get them information and do their dirty work, so they can wipe their hands clean of it when things blow up.

I’m angry now. I don’t care who’s right about any of this. In fact, I hope the San Giovanni’s are because I’m beginning to come up with a plan that will stall the FBI. It’s dangerous, risky, and a little genius. I just beg whatever force is on my side that I can pull it off…



“You’re here?” I shove hair out of my eyes as I stomp down the steps to see Scout already dressed in a black and white plaid jumpsuit with puffy short sleeves. She looks incredible. Espie and Olive really went all out for her. I need to remember to thank them, though. I know it was mostly Espie’s organizational skills that made it happen.

“Yes.” She grins, her mood back to normal compared to what it was when she left the room. I notice her lips when I’m at the base of the stairs; they’re bright red. I love this on her. It makes me want to take her by the hand, lead her back upstairs, and see where we can get with the little time we have before work. But I can’t let myself get distracted now. We have just days before the new test run, and I won’t put up with anything less than perfection for my team and my tech.

“Figure out who was trying to get a hold of you?” I ask as we head out the front door to the car that's already running and ready for us.

“What?” She seems taken off guard, but I didn’t mean to pry. I woke up a little before her this morning and saw all the missed calls from a random number. Of course, I tossed the phone back down, cleaned up a bit, blew out the candles, took a quick shower, and hopped back in bed with just enough time to admire her beauty as she curled up to me.

I’ve never been very lucky, never felt like things came easy for me, except for tech. And maybe that’s why I feel like tech chose me in a way. But this is entirely different, being wanted by someone as perfect as Scout. I’d say it’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to me.

I don’t know what it means or what we really are, but I know I want it to keep happening. That’s why I didn't know what to do when she woke up, and there was a tension that felt all-too-familiar. The thing is, I almost expected it to happen, not wanting to get too optimistic about something so fragile. It’s probably best that I keep up that mentality, but the way she’s looking at me again, makes me believe that hoping might not be such a trivial choice.

“Good morning,” Martin, one of Vince’s security guards, greets us as we slide into the car.

“Martin!” I slap his shoulder and notice his large grin from the back of his bald head.

“It’s been a minute,” he chuckles in his husky voice. He glances back at us for a moment to see who’s coming along with me to work. When his eyes land on Scout, he seems slightly shocked, then glances back at me. “Who is this?” He says that as if I’m being rude for not even mentioning her.

To be fair, I only see Martin on holidays. He’s normally running things back to Vince's actual house that’s still under construction. Nonetheless, we live in a family where everyone expects to know everyone's business, so me having a girl home and taking her to work is apparently aneed-to-know.

“Martin, this is Scout Summers.” I motion to her, and he grabs the passenger seat to twist around further and shake her hand. She takes it, smiling that way that makes me nervous, and I watch as they chat for a moment. I’m just observing her, really, admiring her every movement of poise and ease.

“So, what are you?” Martin pipes up, and I realize just how out of focus everything else was compared to Scout.

“Sorry?” I ask as he turns around to start driving with a chuckle.

“I asked if you were together, and Scout said no. So, I was asking you what you guys are.” I pan my eyes to Scout. I can’t help it because her reaction is all I care about. She seems embarrassed, and I don’t know what to say. I don’t think either of us prepared for this kind of conversation when we woke up this morning. God, if this makes us awkward again and brings some strange tension between us that I hate because it makes me sick, I’m gonna be pissed.

“I got a question for you, Martin.” I attempt to change the subject, and he seems to be okay with it as we hit the main road. “Why are you driving us today?”
