Page 76 of Code Billionaire

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“No.” I breathe. “I think we’re definitely the exception when it comes to supernatural sex.” She lets out a soft laugh.

“I don’t even know what that means, but somehow I understand what you mean.”

I breathe a sleepy laugh through my nose, knowing that we need to get up, but lacking the strength to do so. We lay here for a while, with heavy eyelids and soft caresses as our bodies begin to shut down for the night. Just before I’m about to completely wipe out, Scout sits up.

“Nooo,” I complain, eyes shut, as I fight unsuccessfully to pull her back down with me.

“We can’t miss getting to work early tomorrow.”

“It’s a Monday,” I grumble.

“Yes, and it’s the test-run day.”

“Shit,” I grunt, remembering where I left off before we made our own little reality up in my childhood treehouse. I guess I can check having sex here off my list of puberty-driven dreams when I discovered how attractive women actually were.

“Come on.” She softly says, tugging on my arm lightly as she reaches for her dress. I watch her throw it on. The gleam of sweat is still glowing on her warm skin as she stands to her feet.

“You’re not gonna put on your bra and thong?”

“You can keep them.” She shrugs, and I’m about to fight her on it, but just shake my sleepy head and sit up.

“You’re crazy, Scout Summers.”

“You’re not too sane yourself, Tito San Giovanni.” She quips back, and I lick my bottom lip with a smirk as I quickly slide on my clothes. I notice her looking at the opening in the floor where the ladder is, and before she can ask, I offer to head down first.

She just nods as I make my way to it, placing my foot on the first step and lowering down the ladder. She follows closely after me, never looking down. I respect that even though she fears something, she doesn’t back down from it.

It makes me smile like an idiot as I drop to the grass and hold her waist as she does the same.

After safely makingit to the ground, we walk back through the gardens hand in hand, quietly enjoying each other's company. I feel more connected to her than I have been to anyone else, and there’s something so certain about my feelings for her.

Though I can’t quite figureout what this makes us, I think I’m settled in the way it is for now. At least, I have to be. I’d hate to push her away with talk of things being different, expecting more of her than she wants to give to me. So, we walk back to the house and through the doors we came out of.

When I drop her off at her room, she pulls me in for another kiss before I can turn away. When I pull away, I chuckle at the intensity.

“You know, I’m not going anywhere?”

“You’re going to your room.”

I shake my head, “not what I mean.” The space between us is pulling us closer than I thought possible, and I kiss her again to make up for her pause at my words.

“Goodnight.” She pressed her palm to my chest, biting her lip as she turns around, closing the door just after I whisper a goodnight back to her.

I stand therefor an embarrassingly long amount of time, just hovering near the space our bodies just occupied. My body is buzzing everywhere that Scout has touched me and everywhere I’ve touched. I twist around, after far too long, standing in one spot, and force myself back to my room.

My sleep is short,but I wake up as if I’ve slept an entire day. I’m completely ready for this test run tonight, slightly nervous, but confident in my teams and their capabilities. Quickly I get ready in the dark and nearly leap out of my room, bumping into Espie, who yelps in fright.

“Sorry!” I grab her shoulders to steady her, and she catches her breath with a laugh.

“It’s okay! I’m glad I caught you before you left.”


“Yes, I wanted to chat with you about the trip to Italy.”

“Okay…” I cross my arms and lean against the wall, focusing completely on her, though I’m not sure where this is going.

“I want to go with you.” I don’t know what I was expecting, but this is surprising.
