Page 81 of Code Billionaire

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I do not have any desire to pick my phone up, don’t want to know what they could possibly want. Why now? Why this morning? We were so close to Tito leaving for Italy and presenting our tech. So close to having it all. I almost forgot about my obligations to them. Now I feel the pit of my stomach aching, spreading its all-consuming fear through the rest of my body.

I reach for the phone and unstick myself from Tito. Squirm out of bed and throw his T-shirt on me as I run out the door and to my room.

After closing the door behind me, I call the number back and listen to it ring with a painful heartbeat.

“Ms. Summers,” A voice I didn’t know I despised so much seeps through the phone and assaults my ears with its intent.

“Hey, it’s been a while.” I force out through the knot in my throat.

“I’ll spare you any further pleasantries and cut straight to it. When were you planning on telling me that the tech you delivered to us was not functional?”

“I don’t know what you would need it to function for?” I bite back without any hesitancy. Even though I knew this was a possibility, that they might have some sort of issue with incomplete tech, it still shocks me. I try not to say anything that could get me in trouble, though I’ve already insinuated that I’m well aware.

“Do I need to remind you of the details of your contract?”

“Why do you need the tech to work?”

“Stop asking me questions in return to mine and answer me.”

“I gave you our prototypes. You asked me to make it look like nothing was taken. So, I tried my best. Almost got caught, too.”

“Must have been challenging to talk your way out of.”

“It rolled over before I needed to.”

“How lucky for you.”

“Is there a point to this call, or did you just want to let me know that you can’t play with my tech?” I'm fighting the urge to scream in his ear as I hold back the spiraling thoughts that are telling me something is off.

“Yourtech? Need I remind you that the San Giovanni’s won’t give you any credit for what you’ve done with them? You’re merely undercover. From the moment you signed the contract with us, you’ve been playing them. You’re their enemy. If you think for a second they won’t treat you like one the moment they find out, you’re deluded.”

“If I’m so deluded, then why the hell did you pick me to do this job?”

“I’ve always held the belief that delusion often makes bright minds even brighter. Though, I’m beginning to think you’re the exception.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’d think wisely about what tone you take with me. I know where you are right this very moment, and I will not hesitate to collect on the end of our deal if you don’t follow exactly what I tell you to do.” I’m shaking hard, and I don’t know whether it’s anger or fear or a mixture of both. Regardless, I’m trying to catch my breath because of it, and I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do if he gives me orders that I absolutely cannot follow. My loyalty is no longer with him, and to be honest with myself, I don’t think it ever truly was. Whatever they’re doing on their end of the deal doesn’t seem right to me. And the worst part is, I’ve participated in making whatever they’re doing happen.

At least I can rest in the fact that they can’t do anything else with the tech I’ve given them.

“Riggs, I don’t need threats to hold up my end of a deal. I fulfilled what you asked me to do.”

“I asked you to get me the tech that you corrupted.”

“Did I not technically do that?” I’m still shaking, but growing firmer in my position.

“I don’t need technically. I need an absolute following of all orders. Get me the tech from the last test run by tonight, or the first person who dies is Tito San Giovanni. And if you think I’m bluffing, that will be your mistake. Yourfatalmistake.” The line ends before I can say anything else, though I don’t know what I would even quip back to hide the fury crawling up my throat. Tears inch their way out of my eyes and begin to roll down my cheeks.

“Fuck.” I growl and toss my phone onto the floor, pulling at my hair as my knees give out. Hot tears drip from my eyes like a leaky faucet, and I can’t stop them from falling. It takes everything in me not to scream out in anguish as I press my head to the wood floors.

I grieve what I’ve done, hate what I feel I have no choice but to do, and I can’t go back to change the past. This is it. Right now is all I have. And now, it’s certain that Tito and I will never be. That whatever we are now will be nothing in less than 24 hours.

There’s a knock at my door, and I don’t say a word, hoping I’ll sink into the floor and dissipate from existence. The knock continues another time, and I remain still. This time, more determined than the last, to make it apparent that no one is in here.

When the door creaks open, I know I’ve failed. I quickly sit, brushing the tears off my cheeks and tucking my wild curls behind my ears to no avail. Tito’s naked body is hovering in the doorway. I can barely make out his face in the dark, but it looks like distress.

“Hey.” I swallow, and he instantly knows something is wrong by my tone, though I’ve done my best to hide it.
