Page 104 of The Paradise Plan

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He hadn’t wanted to get the diamond until she could choose it herself, and he’d bought from a jeweler who could do any setting she wanted on the band.

His heart jumped and thrashed against his ribs, and then he managed to calm it.He wanted to ask her the question; he could live with whatever answer she gave.

“You can,” he muttered as he jogged toward his truck.“Even if she says no, it’s not a no forever.It’s anot right now.”

He hurried to pick up the buns she wanted for dinner, and he left them in his truck while he ran inside to shower.Finally fresh and presentable, he drove around the curve to Cass’s house.

He knew by the number of cars in her driveway that more than her children had come to town.She and Bea had hosted Supper Club at her house in November, and she normally didn’t have to host again for six more months.

This wasn’t Supper Club night anyway, and Cass hadn’t told him her friends would be there.So it couldn’t be them.

Still, there were far more cars than needed for her three kids, two of whom had flown in together.

He’d find out soon enough.He grabbed the bag of buns and headed for the front door.He normally knocked and entered at the same time, and he did the same tonight.No one would’ve heard him anyway, as plenty of chatter and laughter filled his ears the moment he opened the door.

He closed it behind him, feeding off the energy here in Cass’s beach house.Grant’s voice stood out, so he and Bea were here.That was one extra car.

Lauren came around the corner from the kitchen, and she lit up at the sight of him.“It is Harrison.”She continued toward him, her loose beach clothes billowing as she walked.“Hey, Harrison.”

He hugged her and said, “Hey, Lauren.I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“It was a surprise.”She stepped back and smiled at him, and Harrison could appreciate her beauty without being attracted to her.

“Did you all come?”

“Yes,” she said, grinning.“I think Cass is a bit overwhelmed.”She started back toward the kitchen.“Come on.She’ll want to see you, but she’s chained to the stove, making caramel with Bessie.”

“Caramel?”Harrison followed Lauren at a crisp clip.“I didn’t know she knew how to make caramel.”

Lauren laughed.“She doesn’t.That’s why Bessie won’t let her step away from the stove.”

In the kitchen, Harrison could only stand out of the way.Bea and Joy worked on something at the counter, their heads bent together.Cherry—the newest addition to their Supper Club—wrapped corn in aluminum foil, passing the packages to Sariah, who put them in a bin.

Cass stood at the stove, her upper half shaking as she whisked violently.Bessie stood next to her, giving directions.

Life and love lived here, and Harrison smiled around at everyone.“Howdy.”He moved over to Conrad and shook the young man’s hand.“How was the flight?”

“Good,” he said.He stood and hugged Harrison.“How’s the build?”

“Going,” Harrison said.“Trouble with wiring this week, but it’s all sorted now.”

“Mama says only one more building to go.”

“Yep.”He turned to include Robbie in the conversation.“Almost done with school.”He gave him a quick hug too.“Cass and I can’t wait to come to commencement.”

Robbie grinned at him.“Thanks, Harrison.I can’t wait either.”

“Tell them about the job interview,” Sariah called from the kitchen, and Harrison looked at her.He lifted his hand in a wave to her, and she smiled and nodded at him.

“Job interview?”Harrison looked at Robbie.

He seemed nervous as he swallowed and shifted his feet.“I didn’t mention it, because it’s such a long shot.”

“But I can pray anyway,” Harrison said.

“It’s with a big law firm in Denver,” Robbie said.“They sometimes hire people who do family law, and they have one opening right now.They have hundreds of candidates.”

“It’s his third interview,” Sariah said.“He’s being modest.”
