Page 67 of The Paradise Plan

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Harrison swayed with Cass in his arms, wondering what he’d been so worried about.Everything with Cass was easy, even “meeting” her mother for the first time, and talking to her about their differences—his inadequacies.

Dinner had been wonderful, served to each person in a series of five courses.The dancing had started about a half-hour ago, and Harrison had kept up with every number.Cass couldn’t stop talking about all the plants, shrubs, and trees—yes, live trees—growing in the building, and Harrison had to admit they were all pretty cool.

He moved her closer to the moss wall, as she liked to reach out with her hand and trail her fingers through it.She’d done so a couple of times tonight, and he figured one more would be enough.

She’d said her mother loved to garden, but he suspected she felt some connection to Mother Earth too.Otherwise, she wouldn’t have reacted to the big tree downstairs the way she had.

Dinner had been on the second floor, and there had been a few more branches to contend with.The dance floor was on the third story, and someone had weaved lights and ornaments among the leaves and branches near the top of the tree.Cass had already touched several of those too, exclaiming over each one.

“I’m going to Sweet Water Falls at the end of August,” she said.

“Yes,” he murmured, having nearly forgotten he wasn’t in a dream.“To take Conrad back to Waco.”He wouldn’t tell her what the boy had told him, not unless she asked.

“And for Supper Club,” she said.“Joy’s hosting the last week of August, so Bea and I can be there.”

He nodded.“I think I even put it on my calendar.”

“I was thinking…” She didn’t finish the thought, and Harrison would never pretend to know what was in her head.

“Yeah?”he prompted, but she shook her head, her lips pressed together.

When their eyes met several seconds later, she wore apprehension in her gaze.“Nothing,” she said.“Really.”

“Okay,” he said, kneading her closer and closer to him.Much closer, and he’d likely end up stepping on one of her feet.Or both of them.“But you can tell me what you’re thinking.”He spoke in a low, husky voice, and pure satisfaction poured into him when she shivered.

“I was thinking,” she said again.“Maybe you could come with me.Meet my folks.”She shook her head.“But then I realized it won’t work with your schedule, and Bea and I already have our tickets, and she’s staying with me, and yeah.I decided it didn’t feel right.”

He nodded, because he couldn’t argue with that.“Another time,” he said.“I would like to meet your family.”

“Yours lives here,” she hinted.“Your mother, at least.A brother is closeby, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Harrison said slowly.“My mother for sure.And my brother is right here in Charleston, actually.”He’d almost moved here last year after Claudia had left him.

“Yes,” she said.“I’d like to meet them all.”

Harrison pulled back slightly.“We’ve only been dating for a few weeks.”

“Eventually,” she said.“I don’t mean tonight.”

He nodded, but he had a feeling Cass would like to go faster than they currently were.He wasn’t sure why he was the one dragging his feet.“Well, Spence is probably down for anything.Momma too.Heaven knows I’m over there all the time for her, and she’d probably die and go to heaven if I asked her to make a meal for the two of us.”He sighed like putting up with his momma was a real pain, but it wasn’t.

“She knows about us?”

He nodded, swallowing.“They all know about you.I’ve told them I’m dating.”

She nodded, her nerves like a scent on the air now.“Well, that’s good.Any time would work.”

“Sure,” he said, not really committing to anything.He could call his mother in the morning and set something up.He wasn’t trying to hide Cass from them.Or them from her.He’d simply been giving them…time.

The song wrapped up, and they announced dessert would take place on the roof.Cass gave a little squeal of delight, and Harrison thanked his lucky stars that Spencer had been able to get him these tickets.His brother worked in publicity, and he could often get last-minute seats for shows and events like this.They weren’t always good, but since there was no stage tonight, Harrison and Cass hadn’t had any obstructed views.

Dessert was an assortment of items on a buffet which bordered the wall.He could see clear across the city from here, and the sight of the lights in the dark sky took his breath away.Cass curled into his chest, and the moment became tender and perfect for him.“This is spectacular,” she whispered.“Thank you so much for bringing me to this.”

She tilted her head up to see him, and he looked down at her.He moved a few inches, and she rose up to meet him, and this rooftop kiss in Charleston sent his whole world askew.

He fell, and fell, and fell, and it sure seemed like he was taking Cass with him.
