Page 71 of The Paradise Plan

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“And you two can stay here.”Cass pushed open the door for the bedroom at the end of the hallway, the one furthest from the steps she’d climbed with Sariah and Robbie in tow.She beamed at her oldest daughter as she entered the room.

“Wow, Mom,” she said.She didn’t go far.“This is incredible.”

“It’s meant to be a second-level master suite,” Cass said.

Sariah looked at her, pure interest in her eyes.“And you have the bed made and everything.”

“I figured you and Robbie would come visit eventually.”

Sariah had more questions, but she didn’t vocalize them right now.She turned and started wandering toward the bed.Yes, Cass had bought furniture for the bedroom.Conrad had a queen-sized bed in his room too, and Lauren did as well.They each had their own bathroom, and Cass had saved this second suite for Sariah and Robbie.Even if they only came every so often, it would be a nice sanctuary for them.

“I wanted it to be easy for everyone to come,” she said.Maybe then they would.

“Conrad said you didn’t sell the house in Sweet Water Falls,” Sariah said.She jumped on the bed, laughing.Robbie joined her, and Cass couldn’t help giggling with them.They’d had a long flight, and they both looked absolutely bushed.

“I didn’t,” Cass said.“I’m going in a week or two for Supper Club.I’ll decide what to do then.”

Sariah sat up, and Cass was reminded that just because she was married now, and recently finished with college, didn’t mean she was a peer for Cass.She was still Sariah’s mother, and she still needed a mother.Cass couldn’t ask her what to do.

“You haven’t decided?”Sariah asked.

“Sort of.”Cass turned away from her.She didn’t have to explain anything to Sariah, something she’d been telling herself about Conrad for several weeks.She grasped the smaller of their bags and tugged it across the thick carpet and into the room.“I’ll let you get settled.”

“Let me, Miss Haslam,” Robbie drawled.He was born-and-bred Texan, and Cass would be shocked if her daughter and her husband ever lived anywhere else.Of course, she’d thought that about herself once too.

He hurried across the expansive room and dragged the suitcase further into the room.Then he came to retrieve the others.Cass stood out of the way and hugged Sariah when she came over.“If you want to meet Harrison, we can go to dinner tonight.”

“Okay,” Sariah said.She yawned, and Cass let them go into the room and close the door.She sighed too, a yawn of her own not far behind.She’d gotten up really early to make the drive to the airport, and she wished her daughter had not tried to make it a surprise.Sariah was practical, but she had some of West in her, in that she loved showing up where she wasn’t expected to be.

I hate surprises, Cass thought as she went past Lauren’s bedroom and downstairs.She supposed she’d had too many unpleasant ones in her life, and she’d rather be prepared than wake up at three a.m.and then make an hour-long drive in the dark.She was thrilled Sariah and Robbie were here, though, and she hoped they’d stay as long as they wanted.

Lauren was likely in a meeting, and she’d come to the kitchen when she finished.She had the best stories out of anyone Cass knew, and she flipped open her paper calendar.She kept one online too, so she could access it from her phone, but she loved the scent of paper.Of ink.Of seeing her handwriting and drawing sketches of rooms, furniture, and textiles.

“Let’s see.”She couldn’t just go back to bed.She had a meeting today with Chelsea Bergstrom, and then she had to get down to the carpet store to pick out samples for Mrs.McDonald.

Cass thanked her lucky stars—and the Lord above—that she’d been able to find clients on Hilton Head so quickly.She’d given out her portfolio and references, and her first two clients had both taken less than four hours to decide to hire her after their initial meeting.

If she could get Chelsea on-board, she’d have three clients, and Cass rarely worked with many more than that.It might not seem like a lot, but she’d learned that people who hired someone like her had…demands.And she had to be available to listen to them—and then meet them—at the drop of a hat.

Her phone rang, and she picked it up.She didn’t know the number, so she employed her professional interior designer voice as she said, “This is Cassandra Haslam.”

“Yes,” a cool female voice said.“Please hold for AnnaMae Hank.”

“I—” Cass cut off as frilly music filled her line.They’d called her, and she had to wait on hold?“AnnaMae what?”she muttered.

She flipped through her designs, her mind moving through Mrs.McDonald’s kitchen and how Cass could get more usage out of the strange layout.She’d starred one wall, and she needed to get out there with a general contractor and see if it was load-bearing or not.If that wall could come down…

She’d ask Harrison to go with her.He’d know, and while she sat on hold, she smiled at the vision spreading before her.Her and Harrison should work together.He could build the properties; she’d design them.Inside and out.

He probably had an architect, but Cass could consult with them.She’d often asked for West’s opinion on her designs, but the man had been hopeless other than saying, “It looks amazing, hon.They’re gonna love it.”

Her clients had not always loved her designs, but she did have a lot of happy customers.Enough to move her company and get started without too much trouble.

“Cassandra Haslam,” another woman said, her voice deep and rich and gravelly.

“Yes, ma’am,” Cass said.“You must be AnnaMae Hanks.”
