Page 18 of Naughty Neighbor

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I pinched my eyes closed for just a second. “It's not that. It's just that you have your life and I have mine.” I made to close the door, looking up at him one last time. “Goodnight Ben.”

I gave him a small smile and closed the door.

My forehead fell flat on the hard surface, my stomach clenched. The whole thing made me a little sick.

But a little hurt now was a helluva lot better than a lot of pain down the road.

Besides, it was not as if Ben wanted a relationship anyway. Me putting the kibosh on things now was better for both of us.

Pulling myself away from the door, I headed straight for the wine rack in my kitchen, grabbed the first bottle I could find and started to put in the corkscrew when my front door slammed open.

My head shot in that direction, trying to process what I was seeing.

Ben stormed in. His attention focused solely on me. I dropped my hands from the bottle opener, as he approached, taking my face in his hands.

“You're scared.” It was both an accusation and a question.

My eyes darted toward the door. “You just broke into my apartment.”

“Technically, you didn't lock it, so no breaking was necessary. You should always lock your door by the way.”

I just stared at him.

He drew a hand through his thick black waves. “That's not why I'm here,” he resumed his hold, cupping my face. “You're scared of this. Of whatever is happening between us.”

I held my breath and continued to stare.

Suddenly, he dropped his hands and I felt a pang at the loss. But then he entwined his fingers in mine. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I’m scared too.”

I sucked in a breath.

He waved his hand at the wall behind him. “You know when we were at that party and I told Bethany that I didn’t want her to be my girlfriend?”

I vividly remembered that part, but I just nodded, not trusting myself to say anything.

“Well, after I said that, I couldn't stop thinking about how I didn't want her as a girlfriend, but I didn't mind you as a girlfriend.”

I released the breath I'd been holding — a laugh bursting from my chest.

To anyone else, it might not be a typical romantic declaration of love. But I knew what he meant.

I felt the same way.

I stubbornly didn't want a boyfriend, but if I were to have one, Ben wouldn't be the worst option.

Not by a longshot.

I bit my bottom lip. “So, what you are telling me is that you want me to be your girlfriend?”

He thought hard about it for a second. His pause made me nervous. But then he looked up at me with his gorgeous smile and my panties melted.

“As long as there can still be orgasms and Netflix, I'm in.”

I jumped into his arms. “Oh, there will definitely be plenty of both.” I laughed in his ear as he carried us to my bedroom. He pinched my ass and I squealed, happier than I’d been in a long time.

The end.
