Page 5 of Naughty Neighbor

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I laughed, “By all means, help yourself.”

A knock sounded on the door. We both looked at it, holding our breath.

“It might be my pizza.” I hoped it was, but didn't move. When I heard another knock and a male voice say, “Pizza!” from behind the door, I finally got off my perch. “Yes!”

When I opened the door, I peeked out to find a head ducked behind the staircase. I guess The Blonde wasn’t getting the message.

I thanked the delivery guy, then kicked the door shut as my hands went to open the pizza box.

I was famished.

“She's still out there, by the way, I saw her attempt a Houdini disappearing act.” I inhaled deeply and my stomach grumbled. “Spoiler alert, she failed miserably.”

He shook his head. “I'm always honest with the women I sleep with. I don’t understand those who can’t take a hint.”

I nodded as I put a piece of piping hot pizza in my mouth. “You and me both, buddy.”

Ben looked around the apartment. “Do you mind if I stay here until she leaves?”

I eyed him. “What’s in it for me? I had a nice evening planned and you're crashing it.”

Ben released a short deep laugh. He nodded towards the pizza. “Let me guess. You planned to eat pizza and watch Netflix and go to bed by 10.”

I huffed. That was precisely the plan, but still. He didn't have to make it sound like such a bad thing.

What an asshole.

I lifted another piece of pizza, pausing before it touched my lips. “So, what if I was?”

He smirked, then brushed away a loose strand of his midnight black hair out of his face. My eyes followed the movement, taking in his square jaw and full lips. It was my first time seeing him up close like this. I could get the full effect of his piercing blue eyes and shampoo commercial-like hair.

It was like seeing a celebrity in person — one that's even better looking in real life than humanly possible.

Ben was like that. A mythical creature in the flesh.

And it was not that he was a pretty boy. Not at all. His scruff, the glint in his eye, everything about him amounted to more.

I felt an ache deep in my core. One that I knew the man standing across from me could easily fill.

Damn, it had been way too long.

He caught me checking him out. “Didn't you ever learn that it's rude to stare?”

“It's my house and I can do what I like.” I rounded the counter, taking my plate to the couch. “You're welcome to grab a slice,” I said over my shoulder.

I felt him move around my kitchen then join me on the couch. We found something on Netflix and watched in companionable silence for a while.

“Just out of curiosity, how often do you get yourself off while I'm fucking other women?”

Luckily, I managed not to drop my slice into my lap.

Instead, I put it on the plate that I set on the coffee table in front of me before wiping my hands — stalling for time.

“What makes you think I've done this before?” I asked, curious.

“You either have no shame, or you've done this before, and it's only now that you've gotten caught. Since you don't seem nearly as embarrassed as I bet any other woman would be, I'm assuming it's a little bit of both. You have no shame and you've done this before.” His voice had authority in it. He was clearly very sure of himself. I imagined him kicking ass as a CEO of his own company, or at least climbing the corporate ladder with exceptional speed.

“Does it matter if I've done it before?” I asked honestly. “Don't let it go to your head. It's basically like watching porn with your eyes closed.”
