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“Lord Carlisle,” she said in a crisp voice. “You are the last person I expected to see dangling out of a window in a vacant house.”

He flushed hard, rubbing his head where he had bumped it on the ledge. It hurt, but not as much as his wounded pride. Of all the people in the township of Seaborne who could have caught him in this foolish act, why did it have to be her?

She kept gazing at him, her face amused.She was enjoying this,he thought furiously.

“Lady Jane,” he said, bowing hastily. “I know that it seems odd, but thereisan explanation.”

“I see,” she said, in the same crisp voice. “And what is it, pray tell? Because it seems very much to me like you were breaking into the house.”

“Well, I was,” he stuttered, feeling even more foolish. “But for a reason, as I say. I am thinking of purchasing Cliff Lodge. I viewed it yesterday and just wanted to have another wander around the house but no longer have the key.” His voice tapered away.

Her mouth twitched. “I see. And you thought that not having a key was no impediment? That forcing a window to climb in and wander the house without permission was perfectly acceptable?”

“I know I should not have done it,” he said, his flush deepening. “I do apologise. I meant no harm. It was an impulsive, foolish choice.”

He held his breath. Was she going to keep chastising him, or even worse, tell the owner what he had done? Why was she even here?

Then he noticed that she held her sketchbook and charcoal in her hands. It was open to a page with a half-rendered drawing of the sea view from the clifftop. Clearly, she had been sketching in some hidden spot when she had noticed him climbing into the house.

Her mouth twitched again. “Well, I suppose there is no harm done, in any event.” She paused, locking him with her clear green gaze. “Would you mind very much if I join you? It might be a bit of a lark to wander the house. I have not been inside Cliff Lodge in an age.”

He gaped at her. Was she suggesting what he thought she was? Was she asking to climb through the window as well and wander the house without permission?

“Are you serious?” he squeaked. “You want to go inside the house?”

Lady Jane smiled. A wide, mischievous smile. A smile that made her cheeks dimple in the most enticing of ways. A smile that reached her eyes. He felt almost as if he had been punched in the stomach. He realised it was the very first genuine smile he had seen upon her face, apart from when she had been watching the dolphins. But then, her smile had been directed at the sea. This smile was for him entirely.

And he was shocked to see what a beautiful thing it was.

He had always thought her lovely. But now, it was as if her face was transformed. He realised just how guarded and wary she was most of the time.

“Why not?” she said with a little laugh. “It would be amusing. An adventure.” She lowered her voice to a husky whisper. “As long as you do not say anything, I promise to do the same, my lord.”

He laughed with delight. “I do so promise, my lady.”

He turned back to the window, pushing it open again. His heart was thumping hard. The day had unexpectedly turned over a new leaf. And Lady Jane Metcalfe was showing another side to her that he had never suspected. A side that he had to admit he liked very much, indeed.


Jane followed Lord Carlisle through the house, her heart beating erratically. It had been a silly, impulsive thing to do this, and she still wasn’t entirely sure why she had done it. Perhaps it had been the lure of doing something different, something out of the ordinary. She had never broken into a house before, after all.

At the start, she had just been amused at catching the gentleman in the act and watching him squirm. He had looked almost as mortified at getting caught as he had when she had rejected his proposal the day before. But then, something had changed. The allure of doing something forbidden called to her. The fact that no one need ever be the wiser.

She often walked the steep trail to this clifftop to sketch. Cliff Lodge had been vacant for two years since old Mr Rankin had left it to live with his son in town. Jane knew when she was here, she was entirely alone—people rarely walked this dangerous clifftop. But she found it exhilarating. It was often windy and wild, and the view of the ocean from up here was truly breathtaking.

She had been absorbed in her drawing when she had heard grunting from the house. Surprised, she had turned around just in time to see Lord Carlisle hanging half out the parlour window, his long legs dangling behind him in an ungainly fashion. Suppressing her giggles, she had stealthily approached, surprising him as much as he had surprised her.

And now, here they were walking through the house together. She was shocked by her bravado but determined to enjoy it. She had always loved this house and sometimes dreamt of what it would be like to live here, with that amazing view. In the daydream, quite shockingly, she lived alone, with only her books and drawings for company. And sometimes a tabby cat that she named Mrs Mangle.

The house was dusty and long cobwebs hung from the ceilings. Mr Rankin had left most of the furniture, which was covered in white cloths. They walked the whole lower level, through the parlour, dining room, drawing room, and the servants’ quarters without speaking a word. When they reached the winding staircase, Lord Carlisle hesitated, glancing back at her. His deep brown eyes were speculative.

“Do you wish to see the upper rooms as well?” he asked in a hesitant voice.

Jane flushed. But then, she straightened her shoulders, looking him directly in the eye. “Whyever not? One might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.”

His mouth twitched. “Indeed. Well said.”

Their eyes met and locked for a long moment. Jane tore hers away, her heart thumping hard. She really shouldn’t be doing this. Apart from the fact that they were in the house without permission, she was entirely alone with him. No chaperone at all. If they were discovered, there would be hell to pay.
