Page 26 of Lost Royal

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My challenge hangs in the air, met with nothing but silence. Of course they’re not going to tell me shit if Lincoln doesn’t sign off on it.

“I figured as much. You should all just leave. You talk about keeping me safe, but the only thing I can see that I need protecting from is you three.”

And maybe a stalker, but who’s counting?

* * *

After successfully clearing my house of those who seem to love to hate me, I decide my mental health can take the backseat and get lost in a documentary on cults and killers—the blood and gore is a welcome change from the jumpy shit I’ve been dreaming up—which is perfect to distract me from the insanity of my own life. I might have made everything worse by letting it slide the last few months, and that has to stop, but I’m going to give myself today to ignore it all.

Well, kind of anyway.

My phone pings with an alert from my security app, and I groan, wondering which of those fuckheads is coming back to mess with my zen some more. It’s only when the door opens and I see Smithy that my mood lifts. I jump from the couch, letting out a squeal as I run across the room.

Wrapping my arms around the old man, who I’ve missed way too much, he chuckles as he drops his bags and hugs me back. “Good morning to you, Miss Octavia. I didn’t expect you to be home.”

“I didn’t expect you home today! I’d have made a cake or something!” I gush, happier than I thought I would be to have him back.

“Miss Octavia, I wouldn’t wish that fate on my kitchen,” he chuckles. “But I appreciate the sentiment. Now, why are you not at school?”

I pull back as he frowns down at me, though a small smile still plays on his lips. “It was a rough weekend. I needed an extra day.”

His frown deepens, but he shakes it off. “Well, okay. Just this once it won’t hurt, I suppose. What are your plans for today?”

“Honestly?” I say and pull at the bottom of my hoodie. “TV day.”

I grin up at him and he shakes his head, smiling softly. “But of course. Well, how about I get these unpacked, then make us both a milkshake, and you can introduce me to whatever it is that has you so fascinated you can watch it for a whole day.”

“Sounds perfect! Do you want some help?”

“No, no, Miss Octavia.” He pats my shoulder gently. “You go get comfortable. I won’t be long. Will Miss Indi or Master Saint be joining us this evening?”

“The Saints most definitely are not joining us, but Indi might. I’ll drop her a text now.”

He nods and grabs his bags before heading down the hall to his room. I feel lighter than I have in weeks as I bounce back over to the couch, get comfy, and find the crime documentary we started watching together a few weeks ago. Picking up my phone, I check in with Indi.


How is your day going, sunshine?


It’s weird. You missed it, Raleigh's schedule has been changed and he blew up first thing this morning about it. He’s on crutches though. The football team is raging. Blair seems to be on the warpath again too. So… Typical day at ECP.


I’m sorry you’re out there alone. I’ll be back tomorrow.


You sure you’ve taken enough time?


I’m not going to know if I stay hidden away. Smithy just got home. He asked if you were coming for dinner?


Is he cooking mac and cheese?
