Page 30 of Lost Royal

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His eyes go wide and he leans back, pulling away from me. “I mean… not exactly. I didn’t want any part of it, but yes, I knew they were going to try to do something to keep you safe. To make you leave.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I hiss and start pacing back and forth. Just when I thought I could trust him, that he wouldn’t lie to me.“This is so fucked up. And while we’re just laying out the truth bombs, I’m just going to be straight with you guys—which is more decency than any of you have shown me, I might add—I can’t leave,” I grind out through clenched teeth, trying not to hulk out over that little revelation.

Finley turns to me and I take a deep breath to try and focus my thoughts.

“Why not?”

I debate telling him the truth, whether they’ll just use it against me later, but at this point, what more could go wrong? “My father’s will states that in order to have access to my inheritance, I must graduate from ECP with at least a 4.0 GPA. That, and stay living with one of my guardians until I’m of age.”

“Those motherfuckers,” Finley hisses before slamming a hand down on the table as Lincoln and Mav re-enter the room. Finley looks up at them, a quiet rage washing over him. “They brought her here. I’d put money on it.”

“It’s what we thought,” Lincoln says with a shrug. “They had a hand to play, a pawn on the board to move, so they did. The question is, what do we do about it now?”

“Wait! Will you all just wait a freaking minute?” I stand up to put some distance between us. This is all getting too much, and I’ve had about as much of their cryptic bullshit as I can take.

“You tormented me, bullied me, rallied the whole fucking student body against me. My car was trashed, my home was broken into. Smithy was put in the fucking hospital.” I suck in a breath, trying not to go nuclear and failing. “My best friend had her car hijacked, YOU MADE A FUCKING DEEPFAKE SEX TAPE, and you’re trying to tell me you did all of that shit, and more, to keep me safe? From a supposed secret society. And then you talk about it like it's nothing more than another breezy Monday morning. You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

They all just stare at me, not saying a word. Not trying to deny a thing. I look at East, and rage fills me further. “And you did nothing to stop them! You’re as bad as they are!”

“V…” East starts, standing to move toward me. I put my arm out in front of me to stop him.

“No. Don’t you ‘V’ me. My dad fucking died. I came here to get the resolution I needed so I can get on with my life, and you made these last few months hell. Do you have any idea what I’ve been going through? Then, on top of that, I have some fucking psycho stalker, and someone I thought was my friend tried to rape me. I am so done. You all need to leave.” I pull at my hair and turn my back on them. “Fucking secret society,” I mutter. “What a bunch of horse shit.”

I spin back around when nothing but silence greets me. “I said get the fuck out!”

They stand in unison and leave without a word, leaving me with more questions than answers.

What a fucking joke.

* * *

This morning was a mess, and by the time I pull up to school, my anger hasn’t really subsided. What an absolute mind fuck of a few days. Hell, my entire time since I came back has been a shit storm. So I make a pact with myself to buck the fuck up. I need to shake some of my grief off and start thinking clearly.

Letting stuff happen around me, to me, isn’t helping anything and it’s become very apparent that if I don’t demand answers, or look into stuff myself, I’m never going to get anywhere. Everything I’ve discovered so far is about as useful as trying to travel on a paper airplane.

Indi bounces down the steps to the front of my car as I take a deep breath. She doesn’t deserve bitchy me. She’s done nothing but be my friend. I just wish I wasn’t so jaded. I was convinced she had no idea, but everything in my life is tipped upside down.

I grab my bag and climb from the car, painting on a smile as I come face-to-face with my new bestie. She thrusts the ice-cold coffee topped with cream and chocolate sauce in my face. “I know fall is here, but I’m holding onto my iced coffee like it’s a lifeline. We can move over to hot coffee next week.”

My smile widens genuinely. I could kick myself for doubting her. She’s too good, too genuine, to have known and not said anything. “Thank you,” I say, linking my arm through hers. “Now, let's go and survive this day, shall we?”

“We’ve so got this.” She grins and we head up the steps into the school. I pretend like everyone isn’t looking at me like a lion at the zoo. I flick my hair over my shoulder and walk through the hall with Indi, heading to my locker.

“So what did I miss?” I ask as I empty the contents of my bag into my locker and grab my book for English. “Anything juicy?”

“Not really. Raleigh is off the football team. Well, benched anyway. He broke his ankle Friday night.” Her eyes dart across the hall to where Maverick is leaning against the lockers, watching us.

Not creepy at all. Nope.

I roll my eyes and bring my attention back to her. “Wannabe rapists get what they deserve.”

She nods reverently. “Yes, yes they do. Also, that creepy hall on the far side of town burned down. It’s been all over the news.”


“That’s the one. Place gives me the creeps everytime I drive past.”

I bark out a laugh. “Dude, same.” I make a mental note that that means I’m totally free and clear of that stupid gala invite and do a mental fist pump.
