Page 40 of Lost Royal

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“He made it more than obvious he’s not opposed to jumping into bed together again, too.” I laugh as we sit at our usual table in the library.

Indi exhales a drawn out “Oooh,” as she sits and I laugh.

“Well, I mean, you did say it was the best orgasm ever.” She grins as a smile dances on my lips.

She’s not wrong. I did say that. Though, after sampling what the others had to offer too…

I get lost in my own mind, letting that dumb horny bitch part of my brain take over and only return to the real world when she snaps her fingers in my face.

“You’ve been holding out on me haven’t you? That was the face of a well-pleased woman.”

I shush her as I feel a blush spill across my cheeks. “Maybe.”

“Girl, you had better spill.”

“We’re supposed to be studying,” I say, trying to wave her off as the librarian glares at us from across the room. “Later,” I mouth to her, and she gives me a look that says that’s a conversation she isn’t going to let slide.

I pull my Business text book from my bag and drop it on the table with a thud. Might as well take the time to catch up while I can. Especially with that F still looming over my head.

Mr. Peters can eat his own dick, ‘cause I’m sure as hell not going to.

* * *

I cannot believe it’s Saturday already and that tonight is homecoming. This week has been a whirlwind. I swear it was only Monday yesterday. I honestly don’t know where the days have gone.

Indi is due over any minute. We have a full day of full-scale pamper treatments planned. Smithy is cooking as we speak, he has sparkling apple juice for us because, bless his heart, he didn’t think champagne was suitable. He is just too precious. I booked someone to come and do mani-pedis for us, hair and makeup. The whole nine yards.

I might not be that bothered about this whole homecoming thing, but Indi has practically bounced with excitement all week. I still can’t quite believe she’s never been to a dance before.

What I do know is that there’s no way I won’t be seeing Raleigh or Blair tonight. They’re both also in the homecoming court which, considering he tried to rape me, is a fucking joke. But I guess that’s just Echoes Cove Prep tied up in a bow, really.

I bounce down the stairs in my robe, only shorts and a tank beneath the fluffy goodness, and head into the kitchen where Smithy is in full chef mode.

“Morning, Smithy!”

“Good morning, Miss Octavia. How are we feeling today?”

“We are bright and sunshiny. Ready to spend the day with Indi getting our girl on.”

He chuckles at me, shaking his head, “You do say some of the darndest things, Miss Octavia. I also spoke to Master Saint, who asked me to let you know that your ride to the dance tonight is sorted.”

That motherfucker.

I don’t let my smile drop though; Smithy wasn’t to know and I refuse to let those boys rain on my parade today. “Which Saint?”

The words are practically dripping with saccharine sweetness as I flutter my lashes up at him. He gets a little flustered and heads back to the stove. “Master Lincoln.”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

“Of course, I’m just glad that you seem to have made up with them all. It’s not good for a girl to be alone so much and an old man like me isn’t the best of company.”

I move to stand beside him, nudging his arm with my shoulder.

“Best old man I know.” I smile up at him and he blushes a little. “Oh! I knew I had to ask you something. Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?”

“Not yet, Miss Octavia, though I suppose I should start thinking about it since it’s only just under a week away!” He seems flustered all over again, which definitely wasn’t my intention.

“Well, if you’re going to be home, I was wondering if you’d mind if I invited some friends over. People from the tour. People who knew Dad. I thought it would be a nice way to celebrate this year.”
