Page 54 of Lost Royal

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The others prefer guns, but I like to be up close with the pain I inflict. There’s just something more personal about drawing blood with a blade than with a bullet.

This way, I can coat myself in their blood as I revel in their screams.

I have some special humiliation planned for Mr. Peters. I just want to have some fun with him on my own first.

Try and humiliate my girl and you’ll regret it.

I slink into the living room and find him in the lone recliner in front of the TV. Moving silently up behind him, I place my blade at his throat. “Surprise.”

He squeaks, jumping at the word and causing the steel to split flesh where the two meet, widening my smile. I move around the chair, keeping the blade at his throat.

“M…M…Maverick? What are you doing here?” he splutters, beads of sweat rolling down his face.

I grin at him and crouch, adrenaline rushing through me, the thrill of having prey at my mercy making my heart pound. “Did you really think your predatory ways would go unnoticed? In our school? Did you not understand that we are the apex predators?”

His eyes go wider and I genuinely think he might piss his pants. Fucking pathetic.

“I didn’t… I don’t… Nothing happened.”

My grin widens. At least he didn’t try to lie to me. Not about this time anyway. There is no way that this is the first time it’s happened, and while it wouldn’t be on my radar if it weren’t for V, like I told him… we are the apex predators.

We bathed in blood and walked through fire to claim that right.


“What are you going to do?” he whines, his sweaty skin turning the color of a tomato.

My grin widens at his question. “What do you think I should do?”

He sputters, trying to answer, and jumps when my phone dings, scoring another bloody mark across his throat in the process. I pull it from my pocket with my free hand and glance down at the screen.


Be there soon.

“Oh, Mikey boy, you really should’ve kept your hands and cock to yourself.” I laugh harshly, and he starts to cry a little.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Tears aren’t exactly a deterrent. Not to me, and especially not to my friend. He really likes tears.” I tilt my head a little before standing. “Get up.”

I walk him to the lone chair at the dining table and zip tie him to it.

“It’s not so fun being the powerless one, is it?” I use my blades to slice through his clothes, making sure to nick his skin as I go. His small squeaks just make my heart pound harder.

If he thinks being weak will make me stop, he’s sorely mistaken. I appreciate strength. Even a quiet strength. Weakness just disgusts me.

I drag my knife from his throat down to his exposed tiny fucking dick. “Should I just cut it off? You’ll survive it, plenty do. Then you couldn’t try to use it as a weapon against people, could you?”

He starts to cry harder, and I roll my eyes.

“Cry some more and I’ll cut it off just because you’re being a fucking pussy, so you may as well have one of your own.”

He sucks in a breath, trying to stop the tears, but the pathetic fucking weasel just continues to whimper. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I push my knife into the soft flesh between his dick and his thigh, reveling in the scream he lets out. I mirror the cut on the opposite side, and sobs rack his body.

If he thinks this is the worst part of his night, he has no idea what’s in store for him. I’m just the warm-up act.

The thought makes me grin.

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