Page 56 of Lost Royal

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I get to the top of the stairs and head for my room, when the roar sounds. I wince on reflex.

I knew Mom was too happy. The morning was going too well.

I hurry into my room, but I know there’s no real escape from his anger. Even if he’s not pissed at me.

His shouts echo through the house, the walls shaking as he slams doors. The smash of glass reaches me as I lean against my bedroom door.


This right here is why I need out of Echoes Cove. I might revel in the shadows, playing with my monster, but my monster is a creature of necessity. One born of fear to help me survive the horrors my parents put me through.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can face almost any other monster and not think twice about it. Hell, I won’t even break a sweat, but my father…

He’s a whole other type of darkness.

I grab my phone and drop Finn an SOS. He and Lincoln are the only two people who know the truth of my father and his… extra curriculars.

Finn lives closer.

While I’m not confident of my chances to escape here on my own, two against one ups the odds. They’re still not odds I like though.

Usually I wouldn’t even think about including the boys in my shit, but I need to tell them about yesterday, and I’m pretty sure that turning up to Thanksgiving at V’s half dead might be questioned.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I see Finn’s name, letting out a small breath of relief.


On way.

No more than those two words are needed. Hell, even if he just distracts my dad long enough for me to sneak out of my window, I’ll owe him one.


I hate feeling this weak. Like that scared little twelve-year-old boy again.

Finley and Lincoln were right there with me when we were taken for initiation. My father’s playground. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water like I’m going to vomit.

My mother screams like a banshee and it breaks something in me.

They hurt each other all the time, but not like this.


I can’t listen to that.

I take a deep breath before leaving the sanctuary of my room and charging down the stairs, trying to amp myself up to take on the biggest monster in my world.

I find them in the kitchen, him holding her against the wall by her fucking throat.

Fuck my life.

I look around the room and grab the first thing I see.

A goddamn rolling pin. Not my usual weapon of choice, but it’s all I’ve got. I swing it as hard as I can at the back of his head. The crack it makes on impact reverberates down my arm, and I jump back, preparing for his attack. He drops my mom, who crumples in a pile on the floor, and turns to me, practically foaming at the mouth.

He lifts a hand to the back of his head, his fingers come away red, and his look of anger turns into a twisted smile.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

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