Page 100 of Caged Royal

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There is nothing quite like being left behind to make a guy mope about like a sap. The fact I helped Linc decide where to go, that I encouraged them to go, doesn’t make it suck any less. But being shot will mean missing out on shit.

At least I’m still alive.

At least she is still alive.

I have plenty to be thankful for, but staring at the ceiling in my room, in this tomb of a house, isn’t something I’m feeling exactly rainbows and unicorns about. It might’ve been over a month since I was shot, and I feel like I’ve come leaps and bounds, but my doctor is still cautiously optimistic. I’m healing faster than expected, but I’m not healed.

I grind my teeth together, hating feeling so useless, so I climb from the bed and start some of the exercises my rehab nurse gave me.

It doesn’t take long until sweat is rolling down my spine, and I curse myself out for being so weak. I hate feeling as shackled as I so obviously am right now.

I pull off my tank, using it to wipe my face before flinging it in the corner. My stomach growls at me for missing breakfast and lunch, so as much as I need to shower, I decide to venture out into the battlefield of a house to eat. I just hope Harrison isn’t here.

The coast is clear as I reach the kitchen, reheating some of the taco pasta Mrs. Potts left in here for me. I check my phone for the umpteenth time, smiling at the picture from V of her on her sun lounger in nothing but a bright red bikini.

Nope, not jealous of those three assholes at all.

The microwave beeps, letting me know my reheated pasta is done, but when footsteps sound down the hall and heading in this direction, my appetite disappears. Harrison sneers at me when he finds me in here, and I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the onslaught I know is coming.

It always does.

“Still here, leech? I’m surprised you didn’t run to your coward daddy with your tail between your legs.”

Not as bad as I expected. He’s either tired, or losing his touch. Little does he know, I’ve been talking with Chase plenty. It’s been weird as fuck getting to know him, and I still don’t trust him fully, but he’s done nothing but try to help us since he found out that he’s my father.

Still feels weird even thinking it.

I roll my eyes as I carefully fold my arms across my chest. He eyes the pink line that runs down it like he wants to cut me back open. I wouldn’t put it past this asshole to shove me, just to see if he can put a hole back in my chest. “I told you a long time ago, I won’t be leaving without Lincoln.”

He laughs at me, like I’m insignificant and absurd. “He will never leave.”

“Then I guess you’re stuck with me, aren’t you?”

His eyes shine, like he has something heinous ready to throw at me, when the doorbell sounds. I hear voices as Mrs. Potts answers the door, and less than a minute later, I spot Chase striding down the hall toward us.

Well, fuck.

“Chase,” Harrison snarls. “I don’t remember inviting you to my home.”

“Good thing I’m not here to see you then.” He looks away from Harrison—who bristles at the casual dismissal—to me. “How are you doing?”

I smile at him and Harrison narrows his eyes at me. “I’m healing,” I say with a shrug. “Everything okay?”

Being in a room with both of them is awkward as fuck. Mostly because Harrison is looking at me like he’d rather I was bleeding out at his feet than breathing, and we both know he could do it, too. Except now I’m technically an heir and there are rules.

If he wanted me dead, he should’ve done it long before now.

“Everything is fine, just wanted to check in on you since I know the others are away.” He glances at Harrison, who is distracted by his phone ringing.

“Rico?” he says as he strides from the room and takes the tension with him.

Chase eyes him as he leaves, but once he’s out of earshot, I relax, grab my pasta, and move to sit at the table with Chase following. “Why are you really here?”

“Exactly what I said. I can’t imagine being cooped up here with just that stick up the ass for company is any fun.”

I take a bite of the steaming, creamy, spicy pasta and shrug. “I’ve dealt with it my entire life; I’m used to it.”
