Page 125 of Caged Royal

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East kisses me, deep and soulful, then he retreats leaving me to Linc who—contrary to the oldest Saint—kisses me like he’s invading the enemy territory on his way to save the love of his life.

Both kisses are passionate in their own way and I love that they are so different.

I’ve got four mouths on me and if I die right now, I’d be okay with that.

“My turn.” As Linc’s words echo throughout the room, everyone stops moving and I feel cold, but not for long.

Looking down the length of my body, Lincoln makes himself comfortable between my legs, kissing one nipple then the other before giving me that smile of his that’s just for me.

“Such a good girl. And good girls get rewarded.”

My heart flutters and I fill with warmth at his words.

My head falls back once more just as Linc brings his mouth to my pussy and eats me out like a savage. Alternating strokes with his tongue and his fingers, he uses his entire body to fuck me with his face. East, Mav, and Finn take turns sucking on my mouth and nipples and neck. Anywhere they can touch me, they do. It’s when I hear Linc say, “Give it to me, Octavia,” that my entire body abandons the fight and lets go completely.

I hold my breath, my entire body convulsing, my gasps swallowed by East as he continues kissing me.

I don’t know how long my orgasm lasts but I can feel it surge through my veins, the blood rushing, my lungs working overtime.

All the while, Linc continues to eat me out, taking every single drop that I give him.

First and last. Those are his.

As the fog starts to dissipate from the intensity of my orgasm, I open my eyes—my breathing labored—and see a look pass between Linc and Mav, who is running the back of his fingers over the smooth plane of my stomach.

I miss his touch immediately but when it’s replaced by Finn’s mouth and the kisses he rains down on my skin I feel better.

“Catch.” I blink and my gaze goes to Linc just as he catches a packet of something.

They all see my questioning look and Finn whispers across my skin.


Images of all of them inside me at once run through my head and I almost panic.

But then two fingers slide into my pussy, scissoring and preparing me for… what?

“Relax, beautiful. We’d never ask for more than you can give.” I trust them but my imagination is pretty fucking healthy and dirty as fuck, so I’m not sure they’ve considered all of the possibilities I have.

Though looking at the way they watch me, maybe they have.

Still, I nod, not wanting this to end.

East’s fingers are gone and seconds later, Linc’s dick is inside me thrusting once, twice, a couple more times and then he’s out.

“You’re so fucking wet, Octavia. We’re going to have so much fun tonight.” His words would be ominous if I didn’t know him better.

Next thing I know, Finn is carrying me—my arms wrapped around his neck—and I spy the other three over his shoulder, whispering in hushed tones with calculating looks all over their faces. It’s when I turn back to see where we’re going that Finn whispers in my ear. “Say the word and everything stops. Same rules as always.”

“Never.” My word is final and I can’t imagine a reason why I would ever stop what is about to happen.

In the corner of the space, between the hot tub and the sauna, they’ve set up a quaint little space with a huge mattress and pillows all over. It’s all black, red, and white. It’s so fucking romantic with all the candles and shit that I almost laugh at the contrast. There’s nothing romantic about getting gangbanged by the four men you love equally.

Fuck, maybe there is.

Finn gently places me on the mattress and grabs his cock like he just needs to relieve the pressure or else he’ll lose his mind. I like the idea of me causing him to lose it.

Soon, I’m the center of four pairs of eyes all showing different levels of lust and need.
