Page 13 of Caged Royal

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The Kings’ arms room is enough to make anyone smile. I get the feeling that Diego having been gone was good for them. Ryker is definitely the bigger, better beast. He has the same sort of smarts as Linc, which makes him a worthy rival. I’m just glad that he’s on our side this time.

We need all the monsters we can get on our side to get V back.

Finley and Linc have been muttering in a corner for the last five minutes while I’ve been gearing up.

“You are not leaving me behind!” Indi argues with Ryker, and I’m not going to lie, as much as I bicker with her, it’s almost as much fun to watch her argue with them. She’s grown a lot since V blew back into town. Last year she took a lot of shit, and I feel massively guilty about it now. “She is my best friend. I’m not just going to sit on the fucking sidelines. I can help.”

“Baby, I love you, but I’m not going to be the one to watch you march into whatever hell we’re about to see.”

She screams in frustration, and I smirk as I check over the gun Dylan gave me again.

“I’m going to get V to teach me how to shoot after all this, maybe then you’ll stop treating me like I’m made of fucking glass. I can drive, so I’m driving. Whether with you or behind you. You pick.” She juts out her chin, and I have to press my lips together to keep from laughing. Yeah, her and V are way too similar.

I leave Ryker to deal with his wildcat and head over to my boys. “So, what’s the deal?”

They both look at me, and I know something’s wrong. “What?”

“It doesn’t matter until we get V back, but we worked out why the Knights haven’t just inducted her. And if it is one of the Knights that has her, this changes everything.” Lincoln’s words send a rush of adrenaline through me.

“Okay, we’ll talk it out, but later. First, let’s go get our fucking girl.” I don’t need to know the details and they know it as well as I do. I bounce on the balls of my feet, anticipation at the thought of getting her back—and fucking up whoever took her and put East in the hospital—has me all kinds of giddy.

I might not have started the fight for once, but I’m sure as fuck happy to finish it.

I crack my fingers and curl them into fists before stretching my neck from side to side in an effort to try and calm the raging inferno inside of me that just wants to burn it all down. Linc and Finn gear up quickly and we’re heading out of the Donovans’ basement to the cars in a matter of minutes.

I didn’t even ask where we’re going. The finer details are Linc’s thing. Me? I’m ready to be pointed in a direction and go nuclear. She’s only been gone a few hours, but that’s a few hours too fucking long.

Ten seconds away from us with this sick fuck is too long.

Whoever it is, Knight or not, is about to discover that you don’t fuck with what is mine. I am not a patient man with most things, but with punishment? I have all the patience in the world.

I jump in the back of Finn’s Range Rover and triple check my knives. I’ve used them a lot already today, so I give them another wipe down, making sure they’re the way I like them.

We convoy through town and pull up to a townhouse near the middle of the Cove.

“Well fuck,” is all Lincoln says as we climb from the car. It’s late enough that we’re shrouded in darkness, but since this place is residential, it restricts some of what we can get away with. Even in this neighborhood.

“You take the back, we’ll go in the front,” Linc says to Ryker, who nods, glancing back to where Indi sits in the front of his car with Thomas, who looks about as happy to be sidelined as Indi does.

“Make sure she doesn’t get hurt,” Ryker grumbles at Thomas before heading to the back of the house with Ellis. I nod, even though he can’t see it. If anyone is in here, they’re not getting out with the ability to hurt anyone ever again.

That much I can promise.

“You really think she’s here?” I ask Linc as we climb the stairs to the front door.

He glances at me, and I already know he doesn’t. It’s in the stoop of his shoulders. “Even if she’s not, we might pick up a fresh trail here.”

My stomach churns at the thought of her not being here. It was too easy. I should’ve known, but I take a deep breath and prepare myself for a fight anyway.

Finley moves up to the door and tests the handle. The door swings open without resistance. We’re greeted by darkness and silence. Finn signals for us to go in quiet and start a sweep. He points to the stairs and I nod, my heart racing as I draw my gun and flick off the safety.

We move into the house as a single unit before we split up and I head to the stairs. Keeping my steps light, I climb them as quickly as I can while staying quiet. It’s a typical townhouse, tall and narrow, and apparently not the biggest. I clear the first few rooms as Dylan approaches from the back. I nod when I see him. Nice to get an extra set of eyes. He helps me clear the rest of the level before we head back downstairs, finding the others holstering their firearms. “It’s basically a shell. Not even a mattress on the floor.”

“That’s because whoever was here was set up down here,” Ryker says as he appears from a door that I’m assuming leads to the basement. He flicks on a switch and heads back down, the rest of us following behind him.

I’m trying not to be too fucking twitchy about the fact that she isn’t here; that I feel like we’re failing her.
