Page 131 of Caged Royal

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“Try again, he was probably peeing or something,” Indi encourages. I hate to be that girl, but I hit his number again anyway.

The line rings, and rings. Just when I’m about to give up, it answers and I hear her voice. “Hello?”

“Georgia,” I say, trying not to growl at her answering his phone. “I just needed to ask Lincoln a question, is he there?”

“Oh of course, silly me. Sorry, we have the same phone, I didn’t even notice I grabbed his. Let me grab him, he was just heading for a shower.”

I clench my fists as she calls out his name, while Indi sits silently, watching me intently.

The sound of running water filters through the speaker and the sound of muffled voices reaches my ear before he speaks. “Hello?”

“Lincoln,” I say, trying to remain calm. “I had some questions for you, but I see you’re busy.”

“What do you want, Octavia?” he snaps, and I feel my eyes fill with tears.

“Did you fuck her?”

“Octavia,” he starts, sighing. I can almost picture him running his hand through his hair with frustration.

“Yes or no, Lincoln. It’s a simple question.”

“Nothing’s ever that simple.”

“Is that how she knew about the Big Dipper on your back?”

“Octavia, let me explain.” He sounds angry that I even asked the question, but he doesn’t deny it.

“That wasn’t a no. Have a good night, Lincoln.” I drop the call and fall to the ground as sobs rack my body.

“I’m going to sever his dick from his body,” Indi growls as she rushes across the room and wraps me in her arms.

I can’t speak. I can’t do anything but cry as my heart aches in my chest.

I really thought we could survive all of this. His dad, Georgia, all of it.

But apparently I was wrong.

More fool me.

* * *

After spending the night tossing and turning in bed, Indi made me come and hang out with her and the Kings today. I left my phone at home after letting East know where I was going—she has hers if I really need to speak to anyone, but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

We’ve been in the basement at Ryker’s all morning while Dylan and Ellis play Xbox and Ryker… well he does whatever it is he does to keep his empire running.

Indi has been locked with him in his office for the last half hour, and I’m glad she’s so happy, but being here, as a part of her happy bubble, is just making me see how fucked mine is.

“What’s wrong, Princess Peaches?” Dylan asks as Ellis disappears into Ryker’s office. “Indi wouldn’t tell us anything, just said you had a shitty night and needed to chill.”

“Would it be too dramatic of me to just say everything?” I sigh and he bursts out laughing.

“Honestly, probably not, knowing some of the shit you’ve been dealing with. Is there anything we can do?”

“Put out a hit on Harrison? Help me bring down the empire of the Knights? Storm the castle with me and help me save the princes? Maybe put out a hit on the redheaded snake sucking the life from me too?”

He raises his eyebrows and just blinks at me. “I mean, we probably could, but…”

I shake my head and bark out a dry, humorless laugh, “But why would you? It’s fine. I’m just being a dramatic little bitch. Just need to lick my wounds then act like nothing’s wrong. Story of my life.”
