Page 140 of Caged Royal

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Without waiting for a response, I rush back upstairs, grabbing a black blazer to shrug over my band tee, and grab a pair of bad bitch heels to make me feel a little better. Paired with my skinny jeans, I look the part of heiress.

Now I just need to believe I can play the part of Queen. Anything less and Harrison Saint will eat me alive.

I pull up my phone and drop a message into the group chat. I assume they already know, but better safe than sorry.


I’ve been summoned by Harrison. If I don’t see you there, I’ll let you know what happens.


Had no idea. Keep your phone on, I’ll track you. If we don’t hear from you in an hour, we’re coming for you.

I smile at the phone as I lock up the house and walk down the drive to the waiting car, sending Smithy a message to let him know where I’ve gone, too.

Can’t be too cautious when it comes to Harrison.

The driver climbs from the car and opens the door to the back for me, closing it once I’m settled on the cream leather seats.

It feels like the drive lasts forever, but that could just be my nerves. I stare up at what looks like an office building—a really fucking tall office building. The car pulls to a stop by the front doors and the doorman opens the car with a smile. “Miss Royal, we’ve been expecting you. If you’ll follow me please.”

“Uhm, sure?” I climb from the car, trying to look more confident and put together than I feel, and follow him into the building.

No one pays any attention as we walk through the lobby to the bank of elevators. He pulls a card from his pocket and waves it over the black box on the wall before pushing the button. “Private elevator,” he says, like that explains everything.

It only takes a few seconds until it bings and the doors open. We enter the car and make the ride up to the forty-fifth floor—which I only know because of the single lit button inside with the number forty-five on it—in silence.

The car bings again before the doors slide open. “Have a nice evening, Miss Royal. Mr. Saint is waiting for you.”

I step tentatively out of the elevator, looking back as the doors close behind me.

Nope, this doesn’t seem ominous at all. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself, to build some walls to hide all of my inadequacies that are very much on show before entering the small lobby up here.

My heels click on the marble floor, echoing in the quiet space.

“Good of you to finally join me.” Harrison’s voice catches me off guard as he appears in a shadowed doorway to the right. “I don’t have all night.”

He disappears inside the room, so I make my way down the hall, hoping I’m not walking to my death.

I enter the room, closing the door behind me, shocked to discover it’s just the two of us.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore it. I get the feeling Harrison isn’t the type to be ignored because I have a text.

“How can I help you?” I ask as I slide into the chair in front of the desk he’s put himself behind. He steeples his fingers, resting his chin on them as he examines me.

“We need to discuss the contract I made with your father.”

I nod once, crossing one leg over the other as I lean back in the chair. “What is there to discuss? I was approached by the Knights, on several occasions, before I was kidnapped and tortured by one. I’m pretty sure the terms of the contract are clear as to the next steps.”

God, I sound way more ballsy than I feel. And if the tic in his jaw is anything to go by, he’s pissed. But considering everything he’s done since my arrival in Echoes Cove, the shit he’s done to Lincoln his entire life, I’m taking the small win.

His nostrils flare as he folds his arms across his chest. “So you wish to take your seat as Regent?”

“I didn’t realize there was a choice.”

“There is always a choice, Miss Royal.” He grins, and my stomach flip flops. “If you can acquire for me the thing I approached you for when you first arrived in the Cove, I’m sure I could arrange to uphold the freedom your father bartered for.”

“What is it that you want?”
