Page 36 of Caged Royal

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I lose track of time as we drive, it’s only once I spot the city in the distance I realize we’ve been driving for over an hour. I should probably ask how Finn and Mav are going to get out of that house, what we’re going to do about Panda, what has happened while I’ve been gone… but I have nothing right now. It’s like I’ve used every reserve I’ve ever built up while I’ve been trapped in that basement.

I know I’m supposed to be strong, at least stronger than this, but I know I’m safe with Lincoln, so I don’t have to hold my shit together right now.

We keep driving until I spot buildings I recognize as part of Echoes Cove, and before long we’re pulling up to the hospital. Linc pulls the car into a vacant spot and shuts off the engine before looking over at me, scanning me as I sit here shaking.

“Are you okay to walk?” he asks softly, and I don’t answer straight away, taking a second to take stock of my body. The trembling isn’t something I can control, and all of the adrenaline I felt earlier is long gone. In its wake, I’m just exhausted, dehydrated, in pain, and weak. That being said, I’m pretty sure I can walk into this hospital.

I nod at him and unbuckle myself before opening the car door. Before I’ve even climbed out, he’s out by my side, offering me an arm to lean on, like he knows I’m running on fumes. I’m just glad he doesn’t try to take this from me.

I won’t let this bring me to my knees. This Royal doesn’t crawl.

He walks me into the hospital, and the staff jump to attention, swarming around us like they’d been waiting. Someone appears with a wheelchair and Linc guides me into it, not leaving my side as I’m taken to a private room. One of the male nurses reaches for me and I flinch from his touch. I don’t want anyone else touching me right now. The only person in this room I trust is Lincoln, and I’m pretty sure he won’t agree to stitch me up.

I look up at Linc, and he must see my unease. He points at the female doctor in the room. “Everyone out of the room but you.” His voice gives no room for argument and people scurry at his command. Once they’re gone, Linc lifts me from the chair and places me on the bed. “Better?”

I nod, hating how small I feel right now. I’m a fucking mess and I hate it.

“Miss Royal, I just need to run some tests so we can make sure you’re okay,” the woman says softly. “I need to take some blood and get you some fluids, but if you would like to clean up first…”

She trails off and I nod. “Yes, please.”

“Your ribs,” Linc interjects. “She was bleeding.”

I glare at him, but she moves to me and insists I lift my clothing. She inspects the wound and frowns. “It’s not too deep, mostly a flesh wound, but it’s going to need some stitches. Once I’ve done that, you can clean up and we can look at everything else.” She glances at the other bandages on my body, and I nod, knowing that between the two of them, I’m not going to win this fight.

I lie on my other side, giving her access to the torn skin, wincing as she cleans the wound, and injects a local anesthetic before stitching me up and dressing it.

“I’ve covered it in a waterproof seal so you can clean up. Are you sure you don’t want me to look at your other injuries first?”

I nod, realizing this must be a Knight hospital. There’s no other way Lincoln would be able to overrule the staff the way he had. But I’m going to take the upside, because I really just want to shower. “They’ll keep until after I shower.”

She looks at Linc, who nods once, and she leaves the room too. I fight the urge to snap at him over pretending like he has the final say in what I do and how I’m treated.

“Did he…?” Linc starts but I cut him off.

“He didn’t touch me. Not like that. I’d just really like to shower and get clean.” His eyes soften and he steps back.

“Okay, but I’m going to be in there with you. Letting you out of my sight isn’t going to happen anytime soon.”

I chew on my lip, but relent. I’m not positive I’m going to be all that stable on my feet anyway and I don’t have it in me to argue with him. Not when I know his gruffness comes from a place of fear. I take his offered hand and walk to the private bathroom attached to the room; it’s not huge, but it has a shower. That's all I need right now.

I twist the handle to turn it on and take off Lincoln's hoodie, shivering instantly at the loss of heat. A wave of self-consciousness washes over me at how gross I am right now, and the fact that his eyes won’t leave me. I might’ve been kidnapped, and I should probably give no fucks, but the way he looks at me is so intense it’s hard not to waver.

“You’re beautiful, always. Now get undressed and get in the shower before I have to undress you myself.” He smirks at me and I feel lighter instantly.

“You’re such an ass.” I smile, but pull off my tank top and push down my leggings before stepping under the spray of water. I lean against the wall as the hot water cascades over me, letting out a bone-deep sigh as the grime swirls down the drain and the warmth chases away the chill that seems to have taken up residence in my bones. My cuts and burns sting under the water, but the need to be clean outweighs the pain.

“Smithy is bringing you some clothes,” Linc says from where he’s leaning against the far wall. “Do you want anything in particular?”

“Just some fresh underwear, and something comfortable,” I respond, knowing that I’m going to steal his hoodie again once I’m done. If he thinks he’s getting that back anytime soon, well, sucks to be him. “Are you going to tell me about East yet?”

“I will, as long as you promise to let the doctor look at the rest of your wounds and run whatever tests she needs when you’re done.”

A knot forms in the pit of my stomach. “That’s not exactly encouraging.”

“Promise me, Octavia.”

I chew on my lip as I lather myself with the body wash from the pump attached to the wall. I use it to wash my hair too, it might be shit for my hair, but it's matted and gross, so anything is better than nothing.

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