Page 48 of Caged Royal

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Perfect. See you all soon.

I throw the covers off and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. It doesn’t take me long, and I’m down in the kitchen doing my stretches in under ten minutes. Why it takes Lincoln so long is beyond me. I always thought it was easier for guys to get ready than girls.

“Good morning, Miss Octavia.” I jump as Smithy appears, letting out a squeak.

“You move so quietly!“ I gasp, and he chuckles.

“A man of mystery, that’s me. What has you up so early?”

I shrug, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. “Couldn’t sleep so thought I’d run. I didn’t mean to wake you, sorry.”

“You didn’t, I’m usually up this early. Would you like me to sort you some breakfast for after your run?”

“You’re the best. I actually invited the guys over for breakfast, so we can order in if you don’t want to cook.” The words were worth it for the look of horror on his face.

“I think not! I will arrange breakfast for you all. Order in… Pfft.” He mutters to himself as he heads back down the hall to his quarters, and I check my watch. Time to head outside.

I find Lincoln already waiting for me and end up practically drooling. You’d think by now I’d be used to seeing him looking like that, but hot fucking damn. Sweats and a muscle top really are my kryptonite on Lincoln Saint.

“You finished eye fucking me?” He grins, stretching out.

“I’d rather actually fuck you,” I mutter as I reach him.

His eyes darken and he gets in my space. “I’m pretty sure that could be arranged.”

I suck in a breath, suddenly very fucking warm, and not feeling like running at all. There are much better ways to get sweaty.

Just as I open my mouth to speak, he steps back and puts in his AirPods. “Let’s go.”

“Tease,” I grumble, and put in my own pods before taking off on our normal route. My body is still not where it was, but a few days of running and eating and I’m pretty sure I’ll be okay.

We start off slower than usual, but it’s not long until I hit my normal pace. I refuse to let myself be beaten. That might make me stupid, but I don’t want to be defined by the shit I’ve gone through lately.

We run in silence the entire way, not making our usual pitstop because I don’t feel like I need the break, and I know Lincoln only ever stops for me.

Once we get back to the house, he follows me inside rather than going back to his. We find Smithy, Mav, Finn, and East already in the kitchen, the smell of breakfast making my stomach growl. Linc slides onto the stool next to East while I drop onto the open seat next to Mav.

Everyone seems like they’re back to normal. Apparently the silent treatment is officially over.

“Since we’re all finally in one place, I have something to tell you guys,” East says as Smithy finishes dishing out breakfast.

“What’s up?” I ask, taking a bite of my eggs Benedict. Hellooooo hollandaise.

He looks a little nervous, and my stomach twists when he starts and stops speaking a couple times.

“What is it?” Lincoln asks, his concern obvious.

“I had a visitor while I was in the hospital. Chase Armstrong,” he says, the name obviously meaning something to the others.

“Who is that?” I ask, and Linc is the one to answer.

“One of the Conclave.” He turns back to East, fists clenched. “What did he want?”

“He came to tell me he helped you guys locate V,” he says, pausing. Finn nods, as if confirming what he said. East lets out a deep breath and butterflies take flight in my stomach. “He also told me he’s my father.”

* * *

After the bombshell East dropped over breakfast, chaos pretty much ensued. It made me realize just how little I know about the Knights and their ranks. The four of them went back to the Saints’ to deal with the repercussions of the news once East reassured me he was okay, just reeling.

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