Page 50 of Caged Royal

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“Okay, so you need to tell Ryker and the others, but I can be with you when you do. Secrets don’t help anyone, especially ones like this. Did Alex tell you what he wants from the Kings?”

“He wants them to join the Rebels. Everyone knows that Diego isn’t in the right place to run it anymore, and the Rebels want the territory. But Diego also owes Alex a fuck ton of money. I think that’s why Ryker didn’t come for me; he didn’t have it.”

I roll my eyes. “Alex shouldn’t need money. He’s a Saint.”

“He is, and he isn’t. Luc and he apparently don’t speak much anymore, especially since he got tangled in the whole Rebel thing. He’s not a Knight, so he doesn’t benefit from the Saint money. At least that’s what he told me. He also wouldn’t let Lincoln pay him, because he’s trying to prove a point. The money needs to come from Ryker and Ellis. It’s a street, fear, stupid boy ego thing I think. Who the fuck knows? I’m just worried they’re going to get hurt.”

“We’ll get to the bottom of this,” I say, trying to reassure her when there’s a knock at my door. It opens and Smithy steps into the room.

“Ladies, dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.”

“Thank you for having me over, Smithy.”

“Miss Indi, you are always welcome at our table.” He smiles at her before turning to me. “Matthew is running a little late but he’ll be here before dinner is served. Please be nice.”

I mock outrage, clasping at my chest. “Me? I’m always nice.”

Indi just laughs. “You are always protective. That doesn’t always mean nice. And who the hell is Matthew?”

“I can be nice!” I defend, ignoring her question.

“Please, Miss Octavia. I am rather smitten with him, and you are my family. The two of you getting on would mean the world to me.”

“Ohhhhhh.” Indi waggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes at them both. “I will be nice as freaking pie.”

“Thank you,” Smithy says before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Indi smiles softly. “He seems nervous and happy. I hope Matthew is a good guy.”

“Me too,” I say sincerely. “Smithy deserves happiness. He’s been alone for far too long. Come on, let’s head down and get this party started.”

“You can’t grill him, you know.” She smiles knowingly. “But Smithy didn’t ask me to be nice.”

“You’ll lose your milkshake privileges if you start thinking like me too much,” I cackle.

The look of horror on her face makes me snort-laugh.

“We didn’t talk about you though. You were taken… by Panda. How are you holding up?”

I shrug. “Honestly, it’s weird. It’s like I’m numb to it. I’m sad and I’m angry… but it’s like those emotions are removed from me a little. I mean, he told me Mav’s dad murdered my dad, but I have no way to know if it’s true, and even that just feels… like it all happened to someone else.”

She frowns at me. “That doesn’t seem healthy.”

“Oh I know, and I’m sure when it all catches up to me, when I deal with it, I’m going to feel like I’m drowning. If it catches up to me.”

“It will,” she says, looking overly concerned. “Maybe you should speak to someone? A professional.”

“I’m not sure anyone is equipped enough to deal with my shit.” I laugh, trying to make light of it.

“V, I’m serious. I’m worried about you.”

“I’m okay. But if it will make you feel better, I’m going to try and talk to Lincoln about it all. Or Finn. Maybe all of them; try to work out what’s actually true and what’s part of this web of lies. Pretty sure once I know for sure what’s going on, I’ll feel more.”

“As long as you promise not to just shove it down and put a cork in it. Bottling your emotions up isn’t healthy.”

“I’ll do my best,” I say, honestly. “Come on, let’s do this.”
