Page 11 of Burn

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Standing slowly to try and get out of here, I suck in a breath and pat myself down, relieved to find my phone still in my jeans pocket.

I need to get home, shower, and just… contemplate if last night is something I should regret.

After ordering myself an Uber, I tiptoe my way upstairs and through the masses of sleeping bodies. Apparently, I’m not the only one who passed out here last night, and something about that makes me feel better.

I get outside just as my car pulls up, and I try to ignore the look on the driver’s face as I creep into the back of the car. He can fuck off. This is my first, and only, walk of shame.

I’m never drinking that much tequila ever again. Scratch that… I’m never drinkinganythingagain. Last night it seemed like a good idea, but in the bright, harsh light of day? Well, it seems like a fucking awful idea.

We pull up to the front of the house and I crawl out of the car. Thankfully, the gates are open, so no need to call on anyone and let them see that I spent the entire night out.

Way to spend your first night here, Briar.

I tiptoe into the house and hear music coming from the kitchen. All I want to do is go upstairs, but my mouth is as dry as the fucking Sahara, so I suck up the embarrassment and head toward the kitchen. I can get a bottle of water and scurry away.

Totally fine.

Simple even.

Pushing open the door to the kitchen, I freeze.

The door swings closed behind me as I look at the three guys from last night. They all stare at me in silence, while I just blink at them, slack-jawed.

Why are they here?

“Oh, Miss… Briar. Sorry!” Tobias calls out as he enters the room from the other door. “Good morning. I’m just making breakfast for Master Kensington and his friends. Would you like to join them?”

Holy fuck.

No. No. No.

This isn’t happening. This cannot be happening. I have to be asleep and this is some fucked-up nightmare.

Travis glares at me from where they’re sitting.

Please let the ground open up and swallow me whole. If there is a god out there, I will disappear right the fuck now.

“Briar?” Tobias says again, and I swing my gaze to him.

“Sorry, no. I just wanted some water,” I squeak out, feeling like I’m going to pass out. “Kensington?”

“Yes, Briar,” Travis growls. “Travis Kensington.”

Fuck my life, I fucked my new stepbrother.


Here I was, thinking the highlight of shittiness in my new life was my mom abandoning me with her new family. Oh, how fucking wrong I was…

I want to run from the room screaming, but I get the feeling Tobias will follow me and ask me what’s wrong, so instead I’m rooted to the spot while he pours me a glass of water.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like some breakfast, Briar?” Tobias asks, but I can’t rip my eyes away from Travis. The unfiltered hate pouring from him is enough to make me feel like I’m burning from the inside out.

I blink, breaking the connection between us, and look back to Tobias. “I’m sure, thank you.” Taking the glass from him, I take a sip while I glance at the other two.

First and last time I have a one-night-stand anything.

Holy shit, could this really be any worse?
