Page 15 of Burn

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She runs her judgmental gaze up and down, her disdain obvious in her eyes, even if the rest of her face doesn’t move even a millimeter. She kind of reminds me of Fiona, Sam’s mom inA Cinderella Story. Her voice is even nasally enough to make me want to wince.

“I’m not sure,” I start, wanting this over as soon as possible. “My stepdad enrolled me here late, Chase Kensington. I need to pick my classes and find out my dorm assignment.”

Her entire demeanor changes at the name Kensington. “Oh, yes of course. You must be Briar, we’ve been expecting you.”

What I’m sure passes as a smile for her graces her face before she steps back and waves me into the office space. It’s all very… fancy? Wood paneling, thick carpets, earthy tones, and it screams old money.

Not that I’d expect anything else from the school for the elites of the East Coast.

“Please, sit. I’ll get you a list of classes that still have space. While you’re looking through that, I’ll find the paperwork on your dorm. I believe Mr. Kensington requested a single.”

I smile for the first time all day as I sit on the plush leather sofa she motioned to. At least I won’t have to share a room with someone, because I can’t imagine having anything in common with anyone here.

Like, ever.

She heads over to what I assume is her desk, tapping away at a few keys before the printer whirrs to life. It’s a bit old school, but I like a bit of old school sometimes. There’s nothing quite like the feel of a real book in my hands, or an actual paper sketch book. Don’t get me wrong, I love digital drawing—not that I’ve done it much, because well, money—but the feel of charcoal on my fingertips is almost therapeutic.

She hands me the paper and I stare at it like it’s written in Japanese. “Don’t worry, I’ve just emailed the academic advisor, she has a slot in about an hour to talk through your options with you. That should give you plenty of time to check out your dorm room beforehand. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like you have a single.”

I take another stack of paper from her, including dorm information, a campus map, and God only knows what else.

“I’ve circled the dorm building you’re in. Make sure to introduce yourself to your RA when you get there. That will be your base for the year, unless, of course, you intend to rush for a sorority.” She smiles at me and I have to swallow my laughter.

“Nope, not for me,” I say with as little sarcasm as I can manage. “Thank you for all of this. I’ll head to the dorm now, the Marshall building?”

“That’s the one. The academic advisor’s office is three doors down from this one, so just head back within the hour.” She hands me a key for the dorm room before she ushers me from the office, and I thank her as she closes the door in my face.

I guess the Kensington name only grants so much fake kindness.

Checking out the map, I muddle my way across the campus, thankful for my years waitressing so walking around this much isn’t too much effort, but jeez, did they have to make this place so freaking enormous?

After ambling around lost, I finally find the Marshall building, catching the door as some girls leave. They glare at me when they see me entering, but I ignore it. It’s obviously going to be a thing here, so I might as well get used to it.

I try to ask someone where to find the RA, but after being ignored three times, I just head to the room number on the slip of paper the woman gave me. She also happened to write down the name of my roommate—Penelope Reed. Finding myself at the end of the corridor on the top floor, I knock tentatively on the door.

When no one answers, I use the key to unlock the door, opening it slowly. The screeching starts the moment I step into the room.

“Who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my room?” The redhead looks like she’s about to take my head off. Even at five-foot nothing in her crop top and cutoffs, she looks fucking terrifying.

“I’m Briar, and I guess I’m your roommate,” I say before moving to the bare side of the room with the stripped double bed.


“So you’re the bitch who took my solo room joy from me. Awesome. I’d say nice to meet you, but it’s not. Stay on your side of the room, keep your hands off my shit, and we’ll manage to coexist.”

Awesome, so everyone here is hostile. Just great.

Maybe it’s not that different from the city after all.

“Sure thing,” is all I respond, and she rolls her eyes, flicking her hair over her shoulder. She slides her dainty feet into a pair of flip-flops and storms from the room.

Well, that was a fun start to Saints U.

Things can only get better from here…


