Page 17 of Burn

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Just like I never got used to watching them hit her. To trying to stop it. Getting hit myself for trying to save her when she never once attempted to save herself.

But that was my job.

To save us. To protect us. To keep us safe.

I’d love to say I didn’t resent her for all the bullshit I lived through, but I’m not that much of a well-rounded human. God only knows how that shit will trip me up later in life, but that totally isn’t the point.

At least I know I can both take and throw a punch. Which might just help me with a crazy roommate like Penelope.

Running through a mental checklist of what I need to do today, including grocery shopping for my essentials, I try not to focus on the sheer amount of people milling around on campus.

How does this feel busier than being in the freaking city?

I take a deep breath as I head to the coffee cart, telling myself that Psych as a Profession isn’t the worst subject to have as my first class of the day. It could totally be worse. Human Origins: Evolution and Diversity—better believe I didnotchoose to takethatclass this semester. I can’t think of anything more brain melting considering my workload, but I know it’s one of my requirements to get my degree.

It could definitely be a worse start.

I fumble with putting my headphones on, pressing play and letting the soothing—to me at least—sounds of The Maine’sBlack Butterflies and Deja Vufill my ears while I wait in line for what smells like some amazing coffee.

I keep my head down, staring at my phone, putting out my bestplease don’t talk to mevibe, until I reach the front of the line. “Oat milk mocha, with an extra double shot, peppermint syrup, and extra whip, please.” I smile at the guy serving, because I’m not a total asshole. Plus, he’s making me coffee. I’m aware that ordering oat milk with cream is a little odd, but just because I’m lactose intolerant doesn’t mean I’m giving up one of the few things in life that brings me joy, and dairy is one hundred percent a joy factor. My smile must not come off right because he looks a little shocked and turns to make the coffee without saying a word.

I drop my smile, refusing to look back up until I see the cup on the counter.

“Four fifty.”

I drop a ten onto the counter, grab my coffee and haul ass away from the counter. Did I want change? Yes. Will I be going back to that cart ever again? Absolutely not.

In my hurry to get the hell away, I don’t pay enough attention to where I’m going, and the next thing I know, I’m on my ass, staring up at a now coffee and cream-covered Cole who is glaring down at me like I’m the anti-Christ sent to Earth to ruin his existence.

He rips off his t-shirt, grumbling about third-degree burns, using his top to mop up the rest of the coffee staining his very lickable, very defined abs and chest.

Reminding myself not to drool, I open my mouth to speak, then close it again when I notice him watching me just stare at him.

Please let a hole open up beneath me so I can disappear. Any time now would be good.

Dramatic? Maybe. But it’s not even eight in the morning and this day already sucks ass.

“I am so sorry,” I start, but he just shakes his head and walks away. I’m not about to complain about him not bitching me out, because he looked like he might murder me, and with the sheer size of him, I’m convinced he could.

I’m also not about to complain that I somehow have zero coffee on me.

It’s only when I notice people staring at me while I’m a crumpled mess on the ground that I jump to my feet and hightail it in, what I hope is, the direction of my class.

I really need coffee, but there’s no way I’m getting back in that line, and after my literal run in with Cole, I don’t trust myself not to trip over thin air and scald someone else with my freshly-brewed, life-giving heaven in a cup. Apparently I really am living out my nightmare of being an awkward potato with a good seasoning of klutz.

Just awesome.

So much for a fresh start. Apparently, some things you just can’t outrun.

After spending twenty minutes wandering around aimlessly, hoping I’m going in the right direction, I put my stubborn streak in my back pocket, finally caving and looking at my map of the campus.

Am I on the total wrong side of campus? Abso-freaking-lutely.

Fuck my actual life.

Now therereallyisn’t time for a coffee break. Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t be such a stubborn asshole. It only ever shoots me in the foot.

I scramble across campus, sliding into one of only two spare seats left in the lecture hall, paying exactly zero attention to my surroundings, just glad I made it before the professor.
