Page 21 of Burn

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Definitely a little weird. I mean, I totally drank the coffee because I’m not about to turn down good coffee—yes, I’m aware accepting drinks from strangers is a bad idea, but also, I was in class. It seemed safe enough.

When he notices me, he smiles and I respond with an awkward little wave. I’m not sure what it is about him—beyond the creepy class thing—that makes me feel uncomfortable, but I can’t help the twist in my stomach.

You’re being so weird, Briar. Get out of your own damn head. You don’t even know the poor guy and you hate it when people judge you.

Nothing like an early morning shaming from your inner voice.

Oh, God, I’m so glad superpowers don’t exist because I’d sound absolutely tapped to anyone who could hear my thoughts.

“Hey, Briar,” the guy says with a big smile when I reach the front of the line. Lord, he even knows my name. Though, I guess he did sit next to me in our lecture.

It’s not creepy, Briar. Maybe he just pays more attention to life and his surroundings than you do.

“Hey, first week going okay?”

“Yeah, just dreading today. Same as the other day?” he asks and I nod, grabbing my wallet.

“Thanks,” I say with a small smile as I hand over the money for the drink. “Why are you dreading today?”

“I’ve got Intro to Psych and Abnormal Psych with Professor Crawford. He’s a notorious hard ass here at Saints U. Giant asshole apparently.”

“You’re a Psych major?” I ask, realizing he’s in both of my classes today, and of course the professor is a jerk. Why would I not be that lucky?

“Yeah, minor in English.”

“Cool.” I take my mocha from him when he hands it over. “I’ll see you in class in a bit then.”

See? You can be nice. Go, Briar.

“Oh, you’re a Psych major too? Weird that we have all the same classes.” He eyes me closely, like suddenlyI’mthe creeper here.

“I was late to sign up for classes so I basically just got what was left,” I tell him, weirdly feeling like I have to justify myself, which is ridiculous, and yet… here we are.

“Oh, okay. I guess that explains it. I’ll see you in a bit. Don’t sit in the front row!”

I quirk my brow and he grins. “He’s that bad?”

“Worse,” he says with a shudder. “My brother had him two years ago and nearly dropped out.”

“Well, isn’t this going to be as much fun as showering a cat? Want me to save you a seat?” I hear the words tumble from my mouth and he’s smiling before I have a chance to take them back.

“That’d be great, thanks! I’m Connor, by the way.”

“Briar,” I say with a nod and turn to walk away, grumbling to myself about being way too nice to the creepy guy just because he has the good coffee. My inability not to be super polite, even if I feel uncomfortable, causes me to find myself in situations I really don’t want to be in. But can, or will I stop? Probably fucking not.

I grab my campus map and head toward the Psych building again, hoping not to get as lost today as I sip on the chocolatey coffee heaven.


I pause when I hear my name, looking up from the map, and see Asher heading toward me. It takes all of my willpower not to groan out loud until I see the puppies at his feet.

Shadow yips as he runs toward me and I crouch down to catch the bundle of squishy joy in my arms when he reaches me.

I might not want to see Asher, but the puppies totally make it worth it. The others all reach me long before he does and I end up on the ground, in a puppy pile, not giving a fuck about anyone watching because this kind of joy is unmatched. I will never be ashamed about the puppy love.

Asher approaches me slowly, that cocksure strut in his step, looking like some sort of rock god that just stepped off of the main stage at a metal festival in his ripped jeans, tight black t-shirt and Converse.

God damn him for being exactly my freaking type. Right down to the artwork on his skin and plugs in his freaking ears. Stupid fucking boys.
