Page 23 of Burn

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Connor smiles at me as I lift my bag from the seat I saved before he drops into it. “Lifesaver. I really didn’t want to have to sit up front.”

“Anytime,” I respond with a small smile, hoping like hell Sawyer isn’t staying. Penn said he’s a sophomore and a Business major so there's no reason for him to be in this class.


A man with salt-and-pepper hair walks in, dressed in a sharp gray suit that screams money with a black tie, his matching dress shoes clicking on the floor as he walks toward Sawyer. He pauses when he reaches the asshole of a blond god and they talk quietly.

I half wish I was closer so I could hear what they were talking about—especially since the two of them keep glancing at me. But on the other hand, I’m trying not to give two fucks about Sawyer or his friends, which means that really, I don’t need to know what they’re talking about.

“Is that Professor Crawford?” I ask Connor quietly, taking my attention from the front of the room as I pull a notebook and pen from my bag. He stares at the notebook like I’m crazy as he pulls a laptop from his bag.

“It is, and don’t let him catch you with a notebook. He’ll crucify you. Record the lecture on your phone if you have to. He hates ‘outdated’ methods.” He does the whole quote marks sign thing when he says outdated and gives me an apologetic smile as I realize everyone else in the room, like him, has a laptop out in front of them.

Awesome. Another thing I need to upgrade. I have a laptop, but not one light enough for me to lug all over campus. It also doesn’t work without being plugged into an outlet at all times, so that really isn’t going to work.

More money I need to spend. Yay me.

I tuck my notebook away and pull out my beat-up phone. Connor's eyes go wide when he catches sight of it, but he keeps his mouth shut.

As he should.

A shadow covers my desk and I take a deep breath before looking up to find Sawyer, smirking down at me. “Can’t call you Red anymore.”

“You’re a tall guy,” I deadpan, and he looks at me, confused.


I lean back and fold my arms, smirking back at him. “I thought we were just stating the obvious.”

His smile grows and his shoulders loosen before he glances at the empty seat on my other side.

“Oh no, buddy. You’re not in this class,” I hiss, and realize the entire freaking class is watching us. Awesome.

“Aren’t I?” He grins as he moves and slides into the seat on my other side.

Connor leans over to me, glaring at Sawyer. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

I sigh, glancing over at him. “Yeah, I’m just freaking peachy.”

“How do you know Sawyer St.Vincent?” he asks, and I shrug, about to open my mouth when Professor Crawford clears his throat. I lift my gaze to find him watching me intently.

“If you’re finished with your conversation, Miss Moore, I’ll start our class.”

My cheeks flame and I officially want the floor to open up and swallow me whole. Not only is he renowned for being a hardass, I’ve managed to piss him off before class even starts. “Sorry, professor.”

The words come out a stammered mess, and he just quirks a brow at me before glancing at Sawyer and shaking his head.

I guess Sawyer is staying.


I also assume that Sawyer is the reason my now very annoyed professor knows my name before class even starts. Awesome.

I grab a roll of cherry Lifesavers from my bag, popping one in my mouth before setting up the dictation on my phone. I grumble lowly when Sawyer reaches over and steals one of my Lifesavers. I want to stab him in his stupid hand with my pen that I’m not allowed to have out.

He has the audacity to make kissy noises at me, but I try to just block his bullshit out and actually pay attention to my first Intro to Psych lesson.

Especially since Professor Crawford is still glaring at me.
