Page 26 of Burn

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I can’t help but smirk. I might not want his help, but if he’s yelling at the dumb bitch with the slushie, or even at Travis however unlikely that is… well, I’m all for it.

He looks up and sees me, and my breath catches as our eyes meet. The fire in his green gaze steals my entire focus. I stumble as someone smashes into my shoulder, breaking my connection with him, and before I can even think about looking back, I run up to my room.

I don’t need any distractions. I’m here for my degree.

Even if that distraction is as drool worthy as Asher St. Vincent.


By the time I’m done with my shower, I practically have to sprint to make it to class before I’m late. Unfortunately for me, Professor Crawford is already there waiting when I slide into the room with about ten seconds to spare.

He glares at me and I open my mouth to apologize, when he dismisses me with a look that makes me want to throw something at his head. Taking a deep breath, I glance around the room and spot Connor waving at me, motioning to the empty chair beside him.

Thank God.

I spot Sawyer on the other side of the room, but there are two girls flanking him, so I grin at him when he sees me since he can’t hover over me. Though why he’s in this class too is beyond me.

Moving as quickly as I can without causing any more of a scene, I slide into the chair just as Professor Crawford starts speaking.

I open my mouth to thank Connor when I feel eyes on me. I look up and find the professor staring in my direction. “Do you intend to continue to interrupt the second lesson of the day, Miss Moore, or can I actually teachthisclass without you taking it hostage?”

My cheeks flame as he calls me out. Especially since I haven’t actually done anything wrong. Every single part of me wants to call him out for being an asshole, but I clench my fists and nod my head instead, keeping my mouth firmly shut. If I open it even to say yes, it’s going to come out sarcastic and I’m likely going to say something I shouldn’t as well.

Story of my life.

I can hide away at the best of times, but if you provoke my anger… well, it becomes real obvious that I’m a Sagittarius. I’m fiery by nature.

He quirks a brow at me before turning back to the class and I finally let out the breath I was holding. It’s literally my third day of classes and my professor already hates me.


I wonder if he knows Travis and that’s why. He was definitely friendly with Sawyer earlier. Maybe that's what he and Sawyer were talking about: ways to flunk me so I just up and leave. Unfortunately for them, I’m a stubborn ass who really hates to move because someone else tells me to.

My mom has done it plenty, but everyone else can go to hell.

I open my text book and groan when I realize I can’t dictate the class because my phone is destroyed.

“You okay?” Connor whispers when he notices my despair.

“My phone is broken; I can’t dictate,” I explain as quietly as possible, considering Professor Crawford seems to have it out for me already. Connor points to his phone and shows it’s already recording.

“I’ll send you a copy. Of last class, too.”

Oh, sweet baby Jesus. ‘Thank you’ I mouth to him, trying to draw as little attention to me as possible.

I try to focus as much as I can as the professor talks about identifying psychological disorders and what is considered abnormal. I get a little lost as he dives into the classification of psychological disorders, likely made worse by the fact that I can’t take notes, and it’s then that I accept the fact I’m going to have to use the credit card again.

I need a phone and I need a laptop that functions. I make a mental note to do it later, just as Connor taps my foot with his.

I glance over at him and realize a ton of people are staring at me.

Including the professor.

Fuck my actual life.

“Sorry, I think I missed that,” I stammer, hating being caught off guard.

“If you’re not interested in this class, Miss Moore, maybe you should give your spot to someone more… deserving.”

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