Page 29 of Burn

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“Want to join us?” Connor asks, and Penn's eyebrows rise.

“I didn’t know you guys knew each other?” she says, but it's more of a question. To be fair, I could say the same, but it’s not like I really know either of them very well. I haven’t even been here a whole week, and I’m not exactly the warm and fuzzy type of human that others gravitate toward. No, I identify more with a cactus. Even though we already had what she called a girls’ night and she dished on Travis and co., I still wouldn’t call Penn an actual friend. Not yet anyway.

Connor smiles at her warmly. “We have a ton of the same classes. She’s a Psych major too.”

The skepticism drops from her face and she smiles at me. “Oh, that makes sense. But yeah, you should join us.”

I consider it for all of two seconds before I realize that turning them down will be considered an insult. Stupid social cues.

“Sure, thanks,” I say with as much of a smile as I can muster before following them through more stacks to a small table for four tucked away, that they’ve obviously commandeered as their own.

At least it’s quiet.

“Do you need my dictations from today?” Connor asks as I unpack my bag.

“If you have them, that would be amazing, thank you. I need to get ahead, otherwise Crawford is going to drop me.” I sigh as I sit down and pull my pad and paper from my bag.

Connor frowns as he sits next to me, with Penn opposite him. “Yeah, he does seem to have it in for you.”

“Yay,” I utter as he hands me the printed dictation notes from today's classes. “Lifesaver. Thank you.”

I groan as I realize I can’t listen to music while I study because my phone is a broken mess. I still pop my headphones in, smiling at the two of them as I do before diving into my notes.

After what feels like hours of reading and note taking, Connor stands and taps my shoulder. “Coffee, ladies?”

“You know the way to a girl’s heart, Connor Berkley.” Penn grins. He nods before turning his gaze to me.


“Sure, thank you,” I say, reaching for my wallet, but he’s gone before I can hand over any money.

“Not worth it,” Penn says quietly. “He’ll just argue with you about paying. He’s a little prideful like that.”

“So you guys know each other pretty well?” I ask, curious.

“You could say that,” she says as she puts down her pen. “Connor grew up next door to me on the outskirts of Serenity. We were the outcasts, the poor few in a sea of rich kids because Connor’s epic brain meant he had a scholarship to the private high school, and my dad worked there, so I had a spot too. We’re both here on scholarship, and I’m almost convinced I only got in because of him. He’s literally a freaking genius. I’d have never passed my finals or the entrance exam for this place without him.”

I nod, taking in the info and the dreamy look on her face. Totally not who I pictured as her type, considering what little I know of her, but that's what I get for judging too early I guess. “Are you guys together?”

“No,” she answers a little too quickly. “Why? Are you interested?”

I try not to laugh as I shake my head. I might not people well, but it’s hard to miss the fact that she’s definitely crushing on him. Even if he does seem absolutely clueless about it. “No, I have way too much going on to deal with guys on top of everything.”

“Well, considering you have the attention of Travis and his band of merry jerks, that's not really a surprise. How, exactly, did you manage to piss them off, anyway?” she asks, leaning forward, her chin on her hands.

“I exist?” I say with a laugh. “Honestly, Travis seems to be the one with the issue, the others just follow his lead like lost puppies. But I’m not thinking about it too hard. I’m just going to focus on getting through these classes and that’s it.”

“Good for you.”

Connor reappears with three coffee cups, and the smell alone makes my mouth water. “Penn, triple shot macchiato for you, and Briar, I just got your usual mocha. Hope that's okay?”

“Perfect, thank you,” I respond with a wide smile. Coffee really is the way to this girl's heart.

I pick up my headphones again, motioning that I’m going back into the mindless ramblings of Professor Crawford and leave them to their conversation. Despite not having music to tune them out, I try not to listen in on them, even if it is kind of impossible.

From what I can work out, Penn was right. Connor does seem like a bit of a boy wonder genius type, and I’m pretty sure she’s a Business major from what she’s saying.

I try to refocus and tune them out, but my rumbling stomach wins out after another hour or so, and I finally call time on my study session. “I’m going to tap out for the night. I need to eat something more than ramen.”
