Page 39 of Burn

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She rolls her eyes at me as she drops onto the bed. “It’s a jersey for the team. I got you the tight end’s number. Something tells me he’s your type.” She winks at me and I laugh.

“I highly doubtfootball playeris my type.”

She pushes up to sitting, a wicked grin on her face. “He’s tall, inked, muscles on muscles, a washboard of abs enough to make a Greek god weep… also kind of gross to talk about him that way since he’s my cousin, but I’ve heard enough girls simp over him to know what they think.”

I burst out laughing and shake my head. “Your cousin is a tattooed Adonis?”

“Exactly.” She grins. “Precisely what a little emo cutie needs in her life.”

I roll my eyes at her, wondering if this is her way of making sure I don’t go after Connor, but I don’t say anything, because one, Connor is definitely not my type, and two, I’m not about to call her out on it.

“I’ll wear the stupid jersey, at least it’s soft, I guess,” I say with a shrug, and head behind the divider she put up in here to get changed. Not because I’m weird about showing off my body, I actually kind of love the way I look, but mostly because I can’t deal with questions about the bruise.

It hurts just pulling my t-shirt off over the top of my head, so God knows how bad it looks now.

I change quickly, pulling the jersey over the top of my ensemble, and laugh when it floats down past my ass. “Just how tall is your freaking cousin?” I ask, laughing as I come out from behind the divider.

“Tall,” she answers with a grin, wagging her eyebrows. “Just how we like ‘em.”

“You’re terrible.” I laugh again, grabbing the front of the jersey that is way too freaking big. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“I mean, you look hot. Your hair is falling in those beautiful natural waves of yours that I’m definitely not jealous of, and you look kind of amazing, so I’d just go with it.”

I quirk a brow at her, but she just shrugs and I take her at her word. “When are we leaving?”

“As soon as you’re ready.”

“That would be now,” I respond, and she jumps to her feet.

“Then let's go pre-game, bitch. That’s half the fun!” She claps her hands together, practically bouncing on the spot. I grab my phone, keys, and wallet, stuffing them in the pockets of my jeans because I can’t be bothered to carry a purse tonight.

“After you.” I grin at her as she practically pushes me out of the door. “So, my cousin, Dante—”

“Wait, his name is Dante?” I interrupt her, and she looks at me like she’s got secrets for days.

“Yes, Dante…”

“Dante Reed?” I clarify and die a little on the inside.

“Yes,” she huffs, like I’m losing my mind. “Why?”

“Oh, nothing,” I say and head out of the dorm building.

Of course her cousin is Dante fucking Reed. Fuck my actual life.

“How do you know Dante?” she asks as she catches up to me outside the building, looping her arm through mine.

“I don’t. Not really.” I don’t tag on that I fucked him before I went away for the summer and definitely didn’t ghost him while I was gone.

Ah, Karma is a sneaky bitch.

“Uh-huh,” she grunts, side-eyeing me. “I guess I’ll find out in a few minutes since we’re sitting in his family seats and he’s got our tickets.”

I swallow the groan and give her a tight smile, regretting my decision to cave and come to this stupid game.

We head to the stadium and the sound of the crowd is already insane. I don’t think it starts for another hour, but it's like there’s a full party already going on inside. She leads me away from where most of the crowd is lining up around the side of the enormous building.

How I didn’t notice this place before is beyond me. Though, in my defense, I haven’t exactly had a reason to come to this side of the campus.
