Page 41 of Burn

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If I spend too much time with these guys, I’m going to end up seeing the inside of my skull at some point.

“So… what? You’ve decided to break rank for the night and pretend I exist again? Or did you just get jealous that Asher has been stealing my attention?” I prod him, knowing full well Asher hasn’t had any of my attention, not really, but Sawyer seems like he’s the competitive type.

Especially with his twin.

“Maybe, or maybe I just decided to go after what I wanted rather than toeing the line like a good boy.” He drapes his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side. “Plus, you’re coming to the house. Someone has to make sure you behave.”

“Wait, what?”

He chuckles beside me as we walk. “You didn’t know the party was at our place?”

“No, I freaking didn’t,” I grumble. Of course Penn left that bit out. That girl and I are going to be having words about boundaries.

He just laughs harder and tightens his arm around me. “Just stick with me. I’ll look after you.”

I don’t say anything, because what can I say? I have no idea where the hell I’m going, but I decide to just go with it. He talks with several people walking in the direction of the house. Apparently everyone knows who Sawyer St. Vincent is. It’s like the four of them are freaking celebrities on campus.

It’s kind of absurd, but I guess this is how rich people function.

“Wait, does this mean I get to see Shadow and the puppies?” I ask hopefully, and he chuckles at me, shaking his head.

“I’m afraid not, hot stuff. The mini monsters are at Mom and Dad’s for the night. Puppies and drunk college kids don’t really mix.

“Dammit,” I grumble, trying not to sulk while he laughs at me some more.

After a few minutes, the sound of music reaches my ears and he leads me up the drive to what looks like a mini mansion. It definitely doesn’t have anything on the Kensington McMansion, but I wouldn’t exactly call this a house either.

Who even needs this much space?

“Did you bring a bathing suit?” he asks, wagging his eyebrows at me, laughing harder when I shove him.

“No, I didn’t. You guys have a pool here?”

“Of course we do. Cole needs somewhere to do hydrotherapy. The pool on campus is always too busy.” He answers like I’m the crazy one for thinking otherwise.

“But of course it is,” I mutter.

“I’m sure you can have plenty of fun without a swimsuit on.” He grins at me as we enter the house, and the sound of his voice is drowned out by the music and the insane number of people packed into the open space.

From what I can see in the dimly lit room, the entire ground floor is open, the kitchen to the right, a sitting area to the left, and the back looks like an open area. I can see a band setup on a raised platform—I guess they’re playing again tonight. Definitely not getting flashbacks.

Nope. Not at all.

The staircase in the center of the space is the only thing that breaks it up, but it looks like it’s roped off, with guys standing guard so no one goes up there.

“Don’t want people in our space. Advantage of freshmen wanting to impress Cole,” Sawyer shouts in my ear when he notices where I’m looking. “You want a drink?”

I nod and he takes my hand, pulling me toward the kitchen. As we enter, the area clears of people.

Like I said, freaking royalty.

Sawyer pulls out his phone and a few moments later the music lowers a little. But of course. At least I can hear a little better.

“What's your poison?”

I look up at him, wondering if drinking is a great idea, knowing what happened the last time I drank around him, then decide fuck it. I’m at college. We’re supposed to make the best mistakes of our lives here. “Tequila.”

His eyebrows rise and he smiles like he’s almost impressed. “Let me see what we’ve got.”
