Page 51 of Burn

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“Ladies,” Sawyer says with a grin, and Asher gives them a weird boy wave thing. “Are you done with classes for the day?”

“I am,” I answer him, and the smile on Asher's face at my answer to Sawyer makes me a little apprehensive. “But we’re going to catch a movie.”

“Oh! I love a good movie date. What are we watching?” Sawyer asks, and I shake my head.

“No, we, as in the girls, are going to catch a movie.”

Sawyer grins at me as he wraps his arms tighter around my waist. “You trying to tell me there’s no room for us?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” I deadpan when Serena and Charli start giggling.

“You’re so funny, B. Of course there’s room for them,” Serena chirps up, and I roll my eyes before giving in and leaning back on Sawyer to rest my head on his shoulder.

“I knew you’d come around,” he murmurs in my ear as Asher strokes my thigh.

“Incoming,” Penn says, grabbing my attention back from the twins, and I look up to find Travis and Cole staring at us from across the room.

Fuck my actual life.

They start making their way over when Asher stands up, and Sawyer tightens his arms around me.

“Asher will deal with whatever that is, Sunshine. You absolutely don’t need to deal with Sir Grumpalot, especially considering his obvious lack of concern with hurting you,” Sawyer murmurs to me, and I let out a sigh.

“I don’t want to come between you guys. You’re like family.”

He turns me in his lap so I can’t watch the tension between Asher and the other two, and grips my chin so I’m looking at nothing but him. “You are not the problem here. Travis and his daddy issues are. He was all for us sharing you on day one, I’m pretty sure you remember. It was just after that he got his panties in a wad. That’s on him. And Cole… well, he’s like Travis’s loyal dog. Asher and I have actual puppies for that. But Cole is already on team Briar, even if he doesn’t show it. He just won’t make a move without Travis’s go ahead. For the son of a politician, he’s surprisingly pliant. Just don't tell him I said that. He could crush my skull with one hand without breaking a sweat.”

I laugh softly and his eyes crinkle at the side. “There she is. See, the big rain cloud is already leaving, so you don’t need to worry.” He releases me and I turn to Asher heading back in our direction, a little tension in his shoulders, but nothing major.

“So, Care Bears or the Scooby-Doo movie?” Penn asks, breaking any remaining tension, and Sawyer chuckles beneath me.

“You totally seem like a Care Bear kind of girl to me,” Sawyer teases her, and she flips him the finger. “You’re totally a Cheer Bear fan, aren’t you? All pink and fluffy. You can’t lie to me, sweet Penn.”

Asher sits back down just in time to stop Penn from launching at his twin, while Serena and Charli seem just a little star struck by the boys.

Which definitely doesn’t make me feel awkward or anything.


Not at all.

“So, movie?” I put forward, trying to bring the conversation back around to the original topic. “There’s that new monster movie that looks fun,” I suggest, and Asher grins.

“Our girl wants to watch a monster movie? Absolutely up for that.” I shut down the shock at this very open declaration about being their girl, especially since I haven’t so much as kissed Asher, but I’m definitely not opposed to fuckery with them both.

Though Penn is still pushing for me to go out on a date with Dante, too. This definitely isn’t a problem I thought I’d have when I started here.

The mean girls, on the other hand, were like a set-in-stone problem. Girls rarely like me, but it’s not something that’s ever bothered me.

“I’m up for a monster movie,” Penn agrees, looking over at Serena and Charli. Neither of which look particularly excited about the prospect, but they both nod anyway, side-eyeing the twins.

“We’ll go get the cars,” Asher says, standing, and Sawyer slides me off his lap and follows suit.

“I’m calling shotgun for our girl in my ride,” he coos, and Asher rolls his eyes.

“See you in a minute,” Asher says, basically dragging Sawyer from the cafeteria.

Penn stands and loops her arm through mine and we follow them out, Charli and Serena right behind us. “You caught those two salivating over the twins right?”
