Page 59 of Burn

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Serena hands me two Jell-O shots and I swallow them both down, chasing them with a beer. It tastes gross, but I also know that there is a fuck ton of it at this party.

I might not like or approve of sorority life, but these girls can throw one hell of a party. Even if it is a toga party.

Penn’s reaction to my enthusiasm over tonight's party was laughable. There was bouncing, clapping, and squealing, but it was the exact energy I needed. Her concern for the dark bags under my eyes was noted, but definitely muted by my willingness to get blackout wasted.

Emerson would be proud I’m sure.

The music is a throwback to before we were born, but the DJ looks about thirty. I’m not complaining when Katy Perry’sLast Friday Nightstarts playing and cheers go up around the entire room. Apparently, I’m not the only one enjoying the cheese fest of vintage music tonight.

Give me enough tequila and I’ll woo to just about anything.

I grab my red cup of cocktail from the table, take Penn’s hand, and drag her to what seems to be the dance floor. Serena and Charli join hands with her and we make a train through the crowd of people until we become one with the writhing masses.

Losing myself to the music, I finish my drink and let my hips sway. I don’t ever really pay attention to who is around me or what is playing. All I want is to forget. To escape the onslaught of horror that’s been threatening to overwhelm me since last night.

Serena and Charli tap out first, but Connor continues to bring Penn and I drinks so we don’t need to leave our spot.

I lose track of time and how much I’ve had to drink. My eyes closed, my body swaying like a feather on the wind without a care in the world, I keep dancing.

When I open my eyes, I realize Penn and Connor aren’t anywhere near me. In fact, I don’t know any of these people; not the girl grinding against my front or the guy with his arms around my waist.

I manage to untangle myself from them and stumble from the dance floor.

Reaching under my flimsy toga to the pocket of my shorts, I pull out my phone and try to text Penn.


Where did you go?

I send the same thing to Serena and Charli before deciding to try and find a bathroom. This much tequila on my tiny bladder has suddenly become a problem.

Trying not to stumble through the house, I smile at people as I pass them, a few guys from the football team saying hello as I breeze by.

I momentarily wonder where Travis and the guys are. I haven’t seen them tonight, and it’s not like them to miss a party.

I haven’t seen Dante either.


The thoughts are fleeting as I find a line for what I assume is the bathroom and groan.

There is no way in a house this big there is just one bathroom, so I head for the stairs. I’m pretty sure the higher levels are supposed to be out of bounds, but there's no one watching the stairs here like there are at most of the parties I’ve been to, so I cling to the rail and hope to God I don’t fall flat on my face as the world tilts a little.

There’s still a ton of people on this floor, so I carry on up the stairs to the next level and find it quieter. There are six doors, three on each side of the staircase.

One of these has to be a bathroom, right? There's no way this many girls live together with just two baths.

The first two doors I try to the right are locked, and after face planting the first, I’m a little more careful with the second.

But when the third opens into a bedroom, hope sparks in me. I open the door on the left side of the room and fist pump the air.

Hell yes for an ensuite.

I mosey into the bathroom, happy that I found a place to pee in peace without waiting for an hour in line, and speed-pee in case whoever this room belongs to decides to come back.

Once I’m done, I put the room back how I found it and creep back into the bedroom.

I freeze when I notice that the lamp isn’t on anymore and try to find my phone again for the flashlight. It’s pitch freaking black, so bad I can’t even see my freaking hand.
