Page 64 of Burn

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I flomp face down onto my bed with the sound of Penn’s laughter ringing in my ears.

“I see the dramatics are back. Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor in all of the madness,” she retorts, and I flip onto my side, propping my head up on my hand.

“They are, and obviously I can finally walk on my stupid ankle again. Life is looking up.” I grin at her and she rolls her eyes.

It’s been a week since the weird encounter at the toga party, and I’ve managed to shove it in a little box, which is firmly on a shelf in a locked closet in the back of my mind. Along with a ton of other stuff that I’m sure a therapist would have a field day with. But we’re not thinking about that.

“Travis backed off your ass yet?” she asks before slurping a mouthful of her ramen.

“Ugh,” I grunt as I sit up. “Yes and no. Yes, in that I’ve barely seen him, but no, in that when Ihaveseen him, he stares at me like I’m some sort of super spy sent to infiltrate his life and blow it up. Honestly, if you’d seen how he looked at me that first night… you’d think he’d been replaced by a pod person or something.”

“Maybe he has,” she says with a shrug, and I smirk.

If only.

“At least if he’s back to avoiding you, rather than questioning you about what happened, it's a bonus. You decide to report it?” she asks, and I can hear the conflict in her voice. She’s made her opinion on me not telling anyone very clear. Connor agreed with her and there was a whole thing once I came back here on Sunday, but she mostly hasn’t asked about it since then.

“Nope. I honestly think it was just some dumb guy being stupid and the tequila made me not see sense.”

She rolls her eyes at me but nods. “I still think you’re being that stupid white girl in horror movies. You know, the one who always checks the basement? But I love you regardless.”

“I love you too.” I laugh. “You got any plans for the weekend?” I ask as my phone beeps. I pull it from my pocket and see Asher’s name on the screen.

“Connor is taking me out on an official date tomorrow.”

My head whips up and my wide-eyed gaze meets hers. “Are you shitting me?”

“I am not, as it turns out, shitting you, my friend.” Her grin is insane as she puts down her bowl and chopsticks.

“Holy crap! Where’s he taking you?”

“I have no idea.” She sighs dreamily, and I can’t help but giggle at her. “Isn’t that perfect?”

“I love it when a guy actually makes a plan,” I agree. It’s not entirely true, though. I’ve never really actually dated anyone, but I’ve read enough to know thatthatguy is the one you want.

“Me too. All I know is I need to dress up. I’m so excited.”

“I’m excited for you, friend.” And I really am, I’m so happy she’s happy. I like Connor. He’s been nothing but nice to me and the initial creeper vibes I got from him disappeared pretty quickly. A vibe which, realistically, just came from me being an untrusting wench anyway.

“Means you need to find company for tomorrow so you’re not here alone, though.”

I nod, because that was the condition I agreed to. Not just with her, but with the twins too. I wouldn’t report it, but neither of us would be in the dorm alone at night. Not until there were no more instances of it happening, and with the twins' network, they’d know if there was.

My phone beeps again and reminds me of Asher's message.


What you doing tomorrow night?


Nothing yet, why?


You have plans now. With me. Be ready for 8. Dress nice… but not too nice ;)

