Page 69 of Burn

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“Holy fuck,” I say, sucking in oxygen that fills my poor lungs.

“Yeah, that,” he responds, and a small smile tugs at the corner of my lips before he softly kisses me. “Don’t think I’m done with you, Briar. Because I’m not even close to done.”


Sometimes I’m not sure how I’ve survived two months in Serenity Falls. Especially times like tonight, where my mom and Chase think it’s fun to keep summoning us back home for family dinners. Like we’re one big functioning unit. Like we don’t have better things to do.

I’m still not sure what makes it worse. The tension between Mom and me—we’ve barely spoken since her baby bomb—the tension between Travis and Chase, or the weirdness between Travis and me.

Whichever way you flip it, tonight is a big ball of awkward, and despite the amazing food Tobias keeps hurling our way, it just isn’t enough for me to want to be here.

I’ve barely said ten words all evening beyond please and thank you to the servers when the food and drinks have been bought out. If it wasn’t for needing to drive back, I’d have definitely taken the wine refills that keep being offered.

One advantage of parents who don’t really parent: the rules are super lax. Well, about some things anyway.

“So, I need you both to come to the city this Saturday,” Chase says out of nowhere, and I just kind of blink at him before darting my gaze back to Travis, whose jaw looks so clenched, I’m kinda worried for his teeth.

“I’ve got stuff going on, Dad. We’re hosting the Halloween party this year. You wanted me to keep up with the younger demographic and keep them on our side. In order to actually do that, I need to be here, engaged with those exact people.”

Chase puts down his cutlery and glares at Travis while I sit and watch the battle of wills between them. “It wasn’t a request.”

“But—” Travis starts, but Chase slams his hand down on the table, and I let out a squeak of surprise, mixed with a little fear.

I’ve seen enough violence to know when someone is walking a tightrope, and my shaking hands in my lap are enough of a sign to know that this could get real bad, real quick.

“But nothing.” Chase's raised voice is firm and brooks no argument. I try to shove down the ridiculous response my nervous system is having to being shouted at by an authority figure, even though, technically, I’m not the one being shouted at. “This is what is needed, so you will do it. Both of you.”

“Yes, sir,” Travis says through his gritted teeth. Chase just nods like nothing happened and resumes eating his steak while Mom giggles.

“Well, now that that’s all sorted… Briar, I wanted to talk to you about planning a baby shower.”

And just like that, it’s as if a bucket of icy water was poured over my head. The nerves, the shaking, all of it is drowned in numbness.

“And I’m out,” I say as I push my chair back and stand.

“Briar—” my mom starts, and I hit her with a stare as cold as the shivers running down my spine.

“Absolutely not, Mom. I already told you, just no. You want to have this baby, fine, but I will not have anything to do with it.” I glance at Travis, who seems to be almost angry on my behalf, but there’s no way he knows the truth behind my anger.

Without another word, I put my napkin on top of my plate, grab my bag, and leave the room, ignoring the sniffles coming from my mom.

Fuck her and her fake tears.

It’s only when I get down to the garage do I notice the footsteps behind me, but I ignore them and continue to the Batmobile.

“Briar, are you okay?” Travis asks as I go to open the car door. I spin to face him, wiping away the tears that have fallen down my face. He takes a step forward then stops himself, like he’s remembered that he actually doesn’t like me anymore.

Or maybe that he never did.

But his pause is all I need to open the door and get in the car. I pull out of the spot and drive away, leaving him standing in the rearview, watching me go.

Fuck all of this bullshit, I need happiness and puppies.

I don’t even care if that means I’ll probably see Travis again. I pull over to the side of the road and drop Asher and Sawyer a group message.


Can I come over?
