Page 7 of Burn

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Dropping into one of the chairs, I fold my legs and get comfortable. I hadn’t realized how hot I was before and fight the urge to fan myself. At least the room isn’t swaying anymore.

“Drink?” the singer asks, and I’m captured once more by the blue of his eyes.

“Sure,” I nod, brushing my red bangs out of my face. “Why not?”

“She’s my kind of girl,” the blond rock god says as he drops onto the couch beside me. “Tequila or whiskey?”

“Tequila.” I grin. Might as well stick to one, I guess. Plus, it doesn’t seem to be hitting me all that hard now that I’ve sat down, so tequila feels like a good decision.

He passes me the bottle, letting me open it, which seems nice. At least I know he’s not trying to drug me. I break the seal and take a swig while they pass around the bottle of whiskey between them.

The guy who put on music sits opposite me. His dark brown eyes, like melted chocolate, stare over at me. “Want to play a game?”

Feeling bold as his eyes skim down my body, growing heated, I nod and bite my lip before answering him. “Sure.”

“Truth or Dare?” the blond guy says as the singer laughs.

“Sounds fun. Who goes first?”

“You do, party girl,” the dark-eyed stranger says. “Truth or dare?”

I bite the inside of my lip before taking another swig of tequila. “Dare.”

“Ohhh, she’s feisty. I like her,” the blond guy says. “Come dance for me, pretty girl.”

A blush spills across my chest, but I take another swig and stand up. The room spins a little again, but I move toward him, trying to channel Emerson, and sway my hips to the music. He stands, placing his hands on my hips and dances with me. I get lost in the warmth of him and the beat of the music.

“Your turn, pretty boy,” the singer quips, and I realize I’ve been dancing longer than I probably should’ve. I try to scurry back to my chair, but the blond pulls me down onto the couch, sitting between him and the singer. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” The blond god with mesmerizing green eyes grins, and I giggle at the smile on his face. He seems almost fearless. “Okay, dare. Let’s let our beautiful guest decide, shall we?” He raises an eyebrow, like he’s challenging me, and my mind goes blank.

“Uhm… Lose your t-shirt?” I say, feeling awkward as hell, but I’m not exactly a Truth or Dare pro.

“Going easy on me, I knew I liked you,” Green Eyes says with a wink, pulling off his black t-shirt, and I think I drool at the number of abs he has hidden under there. Six? Eight? Fuck, might as well call it a dozen.

“Your turn, Travis,” he says to the singer. Huh, I probably should’ve got names already. “Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Travis responds, and the blond laughs behind me.

“Okay, truth. How much would you like to fuck our pretty guest?”

What the fuck did he just say? I mean, I’m not a prude, and I’m not a virgin, but still… they don’t even know my name.

Travis looks at me, his heated gaze running over my body. “I’d definitely enjoy showing her a good time.”

“Would you like that, pretty girl?” Brown Eyes asks, and I’m not sure if it’s the tequila making me feel bold or what, but I find myself nodding. I mean, he’s hot as fuck and his voice was like a balm to my soul when he sang.

I try to buy myself some time out of this conversation by looking across at the dark-eyed bronze god and ask, “Truth or dare?”

He just grins, almost feral. Like he knows exactly what I'm doing but loves the fact that my attention is now solely on him, despite the fact that Green Eyes beside me just put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. Oof. He smells like a sea breeze, but also, like home and it's freaking heady. I swear I could get lost in that smell and never be sad that I didn’t come back.

“Dare.” I have no idea what to do with that. Of the three, he seems the least interested—a bit aloof—except now he's staring at me like he wants to devour me.

My gaze bounces between the two guys on either side of me as I try to figure out what dare I should offer up, but I come up blank.

“Take out your cock.” The blond one grins; his teeth are straight and almost blindingly white. Smiles like that don’t exist in real life, do they? Just how much tequila did I drink?

His words finally register and I gasp. Not that the bronze god seems to have a problem. The two of them stare at each other, as if they’re having a silent conversation.
