Page 73 of Burn

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I’m not going to run from this, even if it means I eventually run head first into a brick wall. Being with them makes me feel things I never thought I would, and if that means that I get burned at the end of it…

Well, so be it.

* * *

Today’s trip to the city has been something of a nightmare, except for the fact that Travis seems to have dialed back his douchebaggery to almost-zero levels.

We left his dad’s campaign office after having a million and one photos taken, and the guys and I have been out exploring the city since.

It was supposed to just be me and the twins, but I think the other two needed the escape and I’m not about to be queen bitch and tell them no.

To be honest, it’s been fun just being back in the city and knowing that I’m faceless here. Even the guys are. Cole, less so, thanks to his dad, but people have left us alone for the most part. Darkness has fallen and there is just something magical about the city at night.

We’re heading to get my favorite Tonkotsu when I hear a phone ringing to my right, followed by what sounds like a struggle from the alley we’re walking past.

Normally I’d walk on by, because well, single girl in the city. But I have four burly guys with me and I’m not about to keep walking this time.

“Hey! What’s going on down there?” I call out when Sawyer pulls out his phone and turns on the flashlight. I spot a girl on the ground, bruises already starting to form around her neck.

We rush forward to help her, but Sawyer reaches her first.

He crouches down in front of her and I follow suit, ‘cause if she was just attacked, me bringing four guys with me probably isn’t going to make her feel better.

“Holy shit, are you okay?” Sawyer asks her, and she nods, but I don’t believe her at all.

“We heard a phone ringing by the entrance then noticed you down here. What a fucking scumbag. Are you okay? Can you move? Do you want us to call anyone?” I ask, taking in just how messed up she looks, but then she gazes at me like I’m her freaking guardian angel.

“Thank you. So much,” she says, her voice hoarse, her smile tight. I know that smile. I wear that smile. She’s hurting but she doesn’t want the world to see. Especially five strangers who found her in this position. “Honestly, thank you. The fucker’s gone now, but I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”

She pushes against the wall to stand, and I stand with her, realizing the four of them have formed a sort of semi-circle at my back. Like my own wall of protectors.

If I wasn’t so focused on her, I’d think back to the conversation I overheard on Thursday, but right now, there are more pressing issues.

I try to make sure the woman is okay, but it’s hard in the dark. That’s when I see the mess of her face and reach forward to push some of the hair from her face. “Holy shit, your face!” I blurt before I can stop myself. “Sorry, that was rude, you’re bleeding.”

“You might need some stitches,” Asher says from behind me. The joys of having a second year med student with us.

“Is it bad, Ash?” I ask him, and he frowns at me before looking her over more closely and shaking his head. I loosen a breath, because thank God. “He’s right though, that looks nasty. Can we help?”

“I just need to find my keys and phone so I can get home. I’ve got a first-aid kit,” she says, rubbing a hand across her forehead, wincing when her fingers brush against her bleeding eyebrow.

“Are these yours?” Sawyer asks, holding up a phone and keys. I didn’t even see him disappear to find them. I guess I was too focused on the girl.

“Yes! Oh my God! Where did you find them?” she asks, taking them from him and clutching them against her chest like they’re her dearest possessions. Something in me resonates with her. She might be older than me, maybe by like five or six years, I’d guess, but that darkness in her, the pain in her eyes, the desperation wafting from her in waves…

That much I understand.

This city is beautiful, but it’s also dark and fucking disgusting, and if you let it, it will take everything from you.

“The keys were a few feet from the ringing phone that caught our attention. Good thing it did and that we aren’t the kind of assholes who’d just walk on by,” Sawyer responds, and she nods. I step back to give her some more space and the guys all seem to follow my lead. Travis and Cole have been surprisingly quiet, but then, they’re probably chastising me mentally for running down a dark alley.

Fun times. Pretty sure I’ll hear about that later.

“Thank you, guys. Really,” she says, moving to head out of the alley. I follow, which means the brooding hulk of man meat behind me follows too.

“Do you want us to walk you back to your apartment?” Cole asks, his voice low, and I realize he’s been quiet because he’s angry. He probably doesn’t want to scare her, but I know what he sounds like usually, and right now, he’s almost menacing even though I’m sure he’s not trying to be.

“No. I’m good. It’s only two minutes from here. I want to stop at the store on the way before it closes,” she answers as we reach the alley entrance, and I realize we’re at Broadway Alley.
