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I wonder if Travis knows I heard what he said.

Or maybe it’s because I’m technically now official with the twins and he doesn’t want any more issues with his friends.

Whatever it is, I’m not going to question it, even if it does have me on the back foot. Grumpy asshole Travis I know how to deal with. Kind of. But this new, not-quite-friendly Travis… nope, definitely have no clue how to deal with him.

And Cole, well, he’s a little easier. He was never outright cold or cruel, just distant. Now he’s just a little less distant than he was before, and he’ll actually acknowledge my existence.

Though I think a lot of it has come from the trip on Saturday. I got some insight into their world, more so than I have up to now at least, and the pressures that Travis and Cole must have lived with their entire lives…

It’s different for the twins. Sure, they’re from money, but their parents’ expectations are a little different. They didn’t push Ash into medicine like his mom, or Sawyer into business, despite the fact their dad is a high-flying defense attorney.

But Travis has been in the limelight his entire life, the same as Cole. From what I can make out, their futures have been laid out for them since they were born. Asher told me the music thing is just something they do for fun. Which, considering how talented they are, blows my mind. He said it’s the same with football for Cole. It’s what he wants to do, but he knows he has no real future in it because his dad has other plans.

I can’t imagine growing up with that sort of pressure.

“Yo!” Penn squeaks, snapping her fingers in my face. “Earth to Briar.”

“Sorry, just a lot going on in my head with this party,” I say, giving her a small smile before popping a cherry Lifesaver in my mouth, savoring the sweetness. My little anchor to reality.

She frowns at me, her hand dropping from her hip. “I didn’t even think… are you sure you’ll be okay going tonight?”

“I’m fine,” I say, waving her off. “Just being dramatic like always. Zombie me up.”

I give her the best, biggest grin I can muster and drop onto the stool at the dresser she’s set up for all this makeup. “Just not too much zombie grossness,” I say, and she rolls her eyes, back to her bright self.

“As if I would. We’re going for hot undead, not gross undead.”

I laugh as she practically attacks me with her makeup kit, but I don’t complain. Penn’s been nothing but good to me since that first hiccup of ours, so I vowed to myself to be nice. A girl needs a friend, even if it’s just one.

And the boys don’t count, because well, penis parade.

Once she’s done, my phone is blowing up every few minutes from Sawyer asking how much longer I’m going to be.

Anyone would think I was late. And I mean, I am, but who turns up to a party before ten anyway?

“Your boys have it bad, girl. Did I give you props again yet for managing to bag them both after the way you all met?” She wags her brows at me and I laugh at her.

“You did not, but noted. You joker.”

“Why thank you,” she says, doing a weird bow thing. “Now get your shit so we can go.”

“I’ve got everything,” I tell her, sliding my phone into my bra and zipping my keys into the tiny skirt of this freaking cheer outfit.

At least it has the tiny shorts underneath. It’s not much, but it’s something. My ass feels like it’s hanging out of the skirt, and don’t even get me started on how obscene my boobs look in this top.

“Good,” Penn responds, pushing a set of pompoms at me. “Then let’s go rock the shit out of this Halloween. Get us some sugar.” She winks and I bark out a laugh.

One thing is for certain, at least when Penn is around, life isn’t dull.

* * *

“Not going to lie, you’re rocking the dead cheerleader look,” Sawyer murmurs in my ear as he leads me up the stairs of the house, Asher just a step ahead of us.

The tequila I drank tonight has me a little tipsy and more than a little brave, but the thought of a threeway with these two has butterflies taking flight in my stomach. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I totally made out with them both the last time they got me in a bedroom, but it didn’t go any further than them getting me off. This is definitely more than that and I’m not sure if I’m more nervous or excited.

The music is still playing and the house is packed, but one of them has been at my side all night to make sure I’m not alone. They’ve encouraged me to let loose, to prove to myself that I can and that things would be okay.

I trust them, so I decided why not? And now I’m tripping over thin air.

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