Page 79 of Burn

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Their eyes flash and they stalk toward me at once. I let out a squeal when Asher reaches me first and pins me against the tiles, his hand on my throat with the best kind of pleasure. “Oh, you are going to regret that, Beautiful.”

My eyes brighten with challenge. “Oh, I doubt it.”

* * *

I wake up to my phone pinging like crazy, and it takes me a second to get my bearings from being wedged between the twins.

Yeah, definitely not the worst way I’ve woken up.

When my phone starts ringing again, Sawyer groans loudly. “If someone doesn’t fuck off, I’m going to murder them. Don’t they know it’s a Saturday?”

“Sorry,” I mutter as I try to extract myself from them, but Sawyer loops his arms around me and holds me tight.

“Didn’t say you could move, Sunshine.”

“Well, it’s either I move or my phone keeps ringing,” I counter, and he grumbles something under his breath I can’t quite make out.

“Fine,” he eventually grunts, rolling over slightly and grabbing my phone from the bedside table and handing it to me. “Tell them to fuck off.”

“You’re supposed to be the joyful one here,” I tease, kissing the tip of his nose. “Not me, I haven’t even had coffee yet.”

“Who needs coffee when you have dick? Anyway, I am joyful, but someone is killing my joy by disturbing our time.”

“Are you two going to keep talking or is someone going to answer the freaking phone,” Asher complains from behind me. I giggle softly.

I check the screen and see Penn’s name just before the line disconnects.

Seven missed calls.


I sit upright and without me even saying anything, both of the guys are instantly alert.

“What’s wrong?” Asher asks, scrubbing a hand down his face.

I frown at him and call Penn back. “Don’t know yet.”

She answers almost immediately, screeching down the phone. “What is the point in having a goddamn phone if you don’t answer it? I swear on all that’s holy, I nearly came to that house and beat down the goddamn door, Briar.”

“Calm, Penn. What’s wrong?”

She takes a deep breath and I hear someone crying in the room with her, followed by a low soothing voice.

“You need to get to the dorm building. Now.”

My heart races in my chest. She sounds scared.

“Penn, what happened?” I ask again as I climb from the bed and start rooting around in Asher’s stuff to get some sort of clothing that isn’t undead cheerleader.

“It’s Serena, B… she’s, oh shit. She’s dead.”


“What the fuck do you mean she’s dead?” Travis growls as I rush around the kitchen searching for my shoes.

“I’m not sure how else I can say it,” I deadpan, shock still overwhelming me. Once I got off the phone with Penn, I told the twins what she’d said, then scrambled to get ready.

“I only have fucking stilts,” I grumble to myself, wishing I’d planned ahead and brought an overnight bag.
