Page 81 of Burn

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Asher’s phone pings and he stands, leaving the room to take the call, and once we’re alone, Sawyer corners me, stopping me from packing, wrapping his arms around me.

“Tell me what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours.”

I shrug and rest my head on his chest. “Honestly, nothing really.”

“She was your friend, Briar. I mean, you guys weren’t exactly living in each other’s pockets, but you were still friends.”

“I know.” I sigh. “I just… I don’t know, maybe I’m still processing.”

The lie slips from my mouth far too easily, but he won’t understand. Most people don’t. Everyone grieves in their own way, and I… well, death just doesn’t really phase me anymore. But when you tell people that, they look at you like you need a shrink, and despite not wanting the warm fuzzies when I’m around him, I don’t want him to look at me like that.

“Okay. Well, let’s finish getting you packed, and then we can head home. I’m going to go and find the others. You okay up here on your own?”

I nod, smiling at him. “I’ll be fine, there’s police everywhere. Not like someone’s going to gank me in here right now.”

He laughs at me, shaking his head. “You really have watched too much Supernatural, you know.”

I scoff in mock horror. “Blasphemy. That, right there. Just disgusting, no such thing was ever true.”

He laughs again and kisses my forehead before heading out of the room. “You’re crazy, but I kinda like crazy.”

He winks before he disappears, and once the door is closed and I’m alone, I take a deep breath. Moving my suitcase over to Penn’s bed, I lie down on mine and just take a minute to collect myself. Living with the guys for a few days will be fine.

I can totally manage that.

Especially if the alternative is potential death.

Though, for all we truly know, Serena wasn’t murdered and that could just be the whispers of Saints U.

Anything is possible.

I get comfy, tucking my arm under my pillow, just to rest for a minute before the chaos I know is likely to come over the next few days, and feel something beneath my pillow.

Sitting up, I lift the pillow and find a piece of paper with my name scrawled on it. Yeah, that’s not ominous at all.

I pick it up, my eyes darting around the room like I’m being watched, before unfolding the paper.

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Next time I won’t miss

And it’ll be you.

* * *

Three days turned into a week, which turned into three, and now it’s almost November and Penn still isn’t back in the dorm, which means I’m still not back in the dorm. Charli dropped out and went back home, which totally sucks, but I get it. She and Serena were friends long before they came here.

Add to that that Serena’s death has been ruled a homicide and well… everyone’s losing their damn minds.

I get it, bad shit happens. Lord knows I know that well.

Which is why I’m currently lying on my front on the floor of their living room, surrounded by puppies and trying to study for the upcoming test Professor Crawford told us we’ve got tomorrow in not just Intro to Psych, but also Abnormal Psych.

What a fun freaking day for me. So I came back here after class, let myself in with the spare key Travis begrudgingly handed over, and got to my study puppy pile like my life depended on it.

I pop another cherry Lifesaver in my mouth, the sugar the only sustenance I’ve had today besides coffee, which probably isn’t the best brain food, but it makes me happy.
